October 2022: Consider joining Holy Trinity

Dear Holy Trinity friends,

We all know these 2 past years have been challenging in many ways. We at Holy Trinity look back to 2021 the beginning of 2022 when we were still meeting only on a limited basis, relying heavily on virtual methods of gathering. As the weeks went by, we began to feel more comfortable being with each other, and resuming worship in person. We are now on a steadier course of in-person worship, faith formation for adults and youth, community service and social activities. And as you know we are actively involved in a search for a new Pastor to provide spiritual leadership.

I am writing to invite you to consider whether joining Holy Trinity is something that would enrich your life. Please be assured that you are always welcome to attend Holy Trinity regardless of whether or not you choose formal membership. There are specific advantages to membership. We are recognized legally as a non-profit organization, and we designate a council to oversee church management and finances. Only members of the church may be a part of the council. In addition, membership would give you the opportunity to vote on the person who will lead us. Membership also provides a way to vote on important decisions about finances and changes in how we manage our organization.

If you are interested in joining Holy Trinity at this time, or would like to learn more about our Lutheran heritage and beliefs and more specific information about Holy Trinity, we would like to hear from you. We will be offering several sessions for anyone interested in membership or want to know more about membership during the month of November. Please contact Mark in the church office to have your name added to the list of those interested in attending.

We look forward to hearing from you.

September 2022: Thank you to our Transition Team and MSP writing team

I imagine you all remember Pastor Larson discussing the New Testament book of Hebrews while he was with us for the 4 Sundays in August. Hebrews 11:1 says …”faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” I was reminded of that verse this past Sunday when I talked about where we are in our journey to bring a new pastor to Holy Trinity. We are right now at a critical juncture in this journey. The Ministry Site Profile (MSP) has been submitted to the Synod office in preparation for being posted on the website for review by rostered clergy in New England and around the country. In addition to Lutheran clergy, there are numerous Protestant denominations with which the ELCA is in communion. Clergy from those other Protestant denominations may also be interested in the position. The future of our search process is unknown, but we have “faith in the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.”

At this point, let’s pause for a moment thank the team members who have been working to get us to this point, and to pray for the Call Committee members as they lead the interview process. Those who worked on the first component of the journey, that is planning and executing transition activities in preparation to writing the MSP include: Dan Scammon, Rebecca Schrumm, Jessica Feeley, Jeff Morrison, Auderien Soeun, Cheryl Brigham, Byrl Short and Paul Karl as Council liaison. Take a moment to thank them when you see them. The MSP Writing Team utilized the data from all the transition activities to craft the document that we sent this week to the Synod office. The writers are Mark Beliveau, Dot Kasik, Linda Edwards, and Eileen Kackenmeister. They did a masterful job.

The Call Committee is convening now to begin the process of reviewing applications in preparation for interviews. The group will be led by Dick Topping and includes Dave Smith, Julie Moore, Tina Maiorino, Bobbi Febbo, and Stephanie Goupil, with Erline Beliveau as Council liaison. Their work must remain confidential so we will not be able to follow developments in their activities.

We know from recent discussions that at the moment there are a number of churches in New England as well as several right here in New Hampshire searching for new pastoral leadership. We pray for the Call Committee in this important discernment process and that their minds will be open to the words of the Holy Spirit.

Ministry Site Profile

The Ministry Site Profile (MSP) has been completed and will be sent to the Synod office shortly. Thanks to the MSP team members - Mark Beliveau, Dot Kasik, Eileen Kackenmmeir, and Linda Edwards - for preparing the document based on the results of the work done by the Transition Team and all of you. The document is a summary of all the comments and discussions that we had between January and June. For those of you who remember the last MSP, please note that the Synod has adopted a new form that is quite different than the version in use a few years back. Please take time to read the document, or pick up a paper copy in church on Sunday. Thanks for your continued prayers as we move to this next phase in our journey.

August 2022: The Book of Hebrews

During these first 2 weeks of August when we have been studying the New Testament book of Hebrews on Sunday mornings with Pastor Larsen and in weekly Bible Study with Pastor George, I have been struck by how these words written so long ago seem to me like they were penned just a short time ago. Sure, isn’t that the point. But somehow, I feel like I’ve been hit over the head with a new insight. Here we are in 2022, the entire world seems to be in chaos dealing with very serious climate changes with world wide impact, international financial instability and political upheaval that leave us shocked and frightened, and we’re recovering from a pandemic that seemed to last far longer than we expected. And here at Holy Trinity, we’re in the throes of the search for a new pastor. Yes, we’re all tired.

The people to whom the text of the book of Hebrews was addressing were tired. The author’s intent was to provide words of encouragement. As Pastor Larsen explained, she reminds the readers that much like the experiences of Old Testament heroes, faith looks to the future, and the final destination awaits us over the horizon. Clinging to nostalgia for the past ways – the old songs we love, the Sunday school room filled with kids, the crowded Easter Sunday services – won’t bring them back, and continued focus on the past won’t make our faith journey easier to navigate. But we can work together in this uncertain time, and find new ways to join the faith journey. In few weeks, we will be asking each of you to prayerfully consider what role you can play in moving our faith journey toward the new horizon. Why not participate in an activity you’ve never tried before – participate in Caring Connections, join the Worship Team and participate in the Altar Guild, join the Hospitality Team to work with others to make our church more welcoming. Or maybe you have an idea we’ve never tried before – we’ll listen. Please think about what gifts you have been given, and how you can use those gifts to move our faith journey forward. As we share our gifts, we can move ahead on our faith journey.

July 2022: Inflation and helping a fellow member.

We are all feeling the effects of inflation. Who hasn’t groaned when putting gas in the car, or buying a few groceries that cost a ridiculous amount, paying the monthly electric bill, or paying for an unexpected health care bill. Inflation raises prices, and lowers the value of savings, pensions, and social security income. But the reality is that the impact of inflation is not the same for everyone. The impact of rising prices and decline in the value of money and assets is not as devastating for some as it is for others. One of our fellow congregants who worships with us regularly is feeling the impact of inflation, and is struggling with an unexpected dental bill. This individual is seeking help from our church family. We maintain a line item in the budget labeled “pastor’s discretionary fund” which is a small amount designated for gas and local store gift cards that the Pastor (or Mark) can give to those in need. But we do not budget to provide assistance with things like health care bills, or help with life necessities. Our decision was to invite the congregation to help meet this need. The amount requested is $650. Please watch for additional information as we work to set this up.

June 23, 2022: Happy Summer!

Happy Summer! Based on tradition, as of the Sunday of the annual picnic, we are officially on our summer worship schedule. However, in today’s world, nothing much has changed. One thing that is different that the choir has no weekday rehearsals, and all are invited to come early to worship to rehearse the songs for that day. As we have done and past, services will vary week to week between a more contemporary style and a more traditional style. And as we’ve announced before, we will have a number of guest pastors and speakers through the summer. Meanwhile our Ministry Site Profile writers are busy working on the document to send to the synod, and the Call Committee is preparing to interview pastoral candidates. Faith formation team members have planned Vacation Bible School for 4 Wednesday evenings in July and August. VBS relies on many volunteers to host a fun and thoughtful event for kids of all ages. Please consider whether you might be able to volunteer to help make that a reality.

Meanwhile, it’s impossible to ignore that the world we currently know is not the same world we knew in 2019. Long weeks of isolation, virtual worship, connecting minimally with distant family and friends have reinforced the constancy of change. The saying that “change is the only constant” has never been so meaningful. We don’t have the answers to how our church will be changed. But our church and, in fact, all churches are working to understand a new reality and to discern how we approach the future. We are challenged to listen and understand how God is leading us on an unknown journey. Let us all pray for insight during our journey.

May 26, 2022: Summer Schedule & the School of Lay Ministry

The other day I was asked when we would be starting the summer worship schedule at Holy Trinity. I paused for a moment to think about how to respond. Actually, we’ve been on what we used to call “summer schedule” since we returned to in-person worship as the pandemic waned. This summer we will continue with our usual summer activities. We will continue to have worship services every Sunday at 9:30, with communion offered every week. The format of the service will continue to alternate between traditional and contemporary. If we have volunteers, we will have a coffee hour after the service. Vacation Bible School will be held in 4 consecutive Wednesdays in July and August, Bible Study will continue to be held weekly, and the semi-annual meeting and church picnic will take place on June 12. But what makes this summer differ from other summers is that we don’t have a full time or part time pastor. However, the plan that the council and the worship committee have put together will hopefully result in a summer that will provide for rich, meaningful worship.

Pastor George Koch will officiate at many of the May, June and July services, and other Pastors will officiate for all Sundays in August, and several in June and July. At some of our summer worship services, individuals from our congregation as well as from outside of our congregation will be providing a temple talk in lieu of the traditional sermon on topics such as the Indonesian experience, Christian life in Tanzania, and the Afghan resettlement program.

We are blessed at Holy Trinity with several members and friends who have attended the School of Lay Ministry (SLM) sponsored by the NE Synod. “The School of Lay Ministry is designed to educate and equip lay people for enhanced participation in congregational and synodical life through personal spiritual development, biblical enhancement, and life-long learning.”

(https://nelutherans.org/faithinaction/schooloflayministry) The individuals who have completed this program have volunteered to share their insights and learning with us as we go through this transition phase at Holy Trinity. This Sunday, May 29, Jill Schock will be the first of the SLM graduates to offer a “Temple Talk” in lieu of the traditional sermon. On July 17, several of the SLM graduates will work together to participate in the worship service and offer the message. We are a community rich with blessings, and we hope you will join us as move through these summer months.

If you’re interested in learning more about the School of Lay Ministry, talk to Yvonne and Dick Topping, Jill and Jerry Schock, or Ade Monareh, or check the web site cited above.

May 2022: A Summer Like No Other…..

After several years of learning with deal with different worship experiences – zoom, streaming, outside in parks, outside under the tent, inside socially distancing wearing masks celebrating communion with little plastic cups, and now more like what we remember from 2019 – our summer of 2022 promises even more change! The Church Council and the Worship Team have been working hard to plan a summer worship experience that will be enriching and enlightening. One of the realities of 2022 is that “supply” pastors are currently in short “supply.” Pastor Luther’s last Sunday with us May 15, so our “summer” season will start on May 22. The plan that the Lord has been guiding us to includes a rich variety of familiar and not so familiar worship experiences. We will continue summer Sunday worship at 9:30 every week. There will be traditional services lead by clergy we know and those whom we don’t know. Some Sundays the traditional sermon will be presented by a guest, some of whom we know, some who are new to us. The guest speakers will present a variety of topics: theological perspectives, outreach locally and outreach in distant lands, Christian living, and other pertinent topics. A schedule will be published as dates are established. Summer plans also include some other traditional events. The semi-annual meeting is scheduled for June 12, followed by the church picnic. Vacation Bible School will be held in a format similar to last year on 4 Wednesdays midsummer. Please plan to join your Holy Trinity family and friends at these events.

Meanwhile, the Call Committee and the MSP (Ministry Site Profile) Team are getting ready to prepare the document that will be sent to the Synod to attract pastoral candidates to our church. On May 22, we will hold a workshop to begin writing our MSP document. Please plan to attend worship on May 15 to bid Pastor Luther farewell and thank him for his leadership during these past months. His presence has been a blessing to us. Please continue to pray for God’s guidance as we move through these next steps in the transition process.

New Constitution Draft for Congregational Review

Toward the end of 2021, we undertook a review and revision of our Constitution. At the end of November, a task force led by Russ Hilliard and Mark Beliveau completed revisions to the constitution reflecting changes that are required by the New England Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Additional changes to the proposed constitution reflect current ways in which we do business, such as allowing for electronic voting. The proposed constitution has been reviewed and approved by the Council, and will be reviewed and voted on by the congregation at the semi-annual meeting on June 12. Two documents are available for you to access and review prior to the meeting. One is a brief memo prepared by Russ briefly describing changes that you will find in the second document which is the proposed constitution.

You can view the full document here.

Paper copies are also available in the church office. Please read the documents in preparation for discussion at the meeting.

April 2022: Pastoral Call Process update

It was only a few short months ago in mid November that we embarked on the search for a new Pastor. The Transition Team quickly dove into their mission and was already meeting together by December. They have done and continue to do a remarkable job helping us through this first part of the journey. The first thing they accomplished was administering the Congregational Assessment Tool (CAT). The results were shared with the congregation at a workshop on March 28. As a follow up to enhance the CAT results and provide us with additional insight about our congregation, the team and Pr. Luther have been working together to plan the “Why Us” workshop scheduled for May 1. And on May 22, the team will be presenting the Ministry Site Profile (MSP) workshop at which the congregation will be asked to begin the process summarizing our ideas about our congregation, and identifying what characteristics we seek in a new Pastor. The Transition Team members include: Paul Karl (Council representative), Cheryl Brigham, Jessica Feeley, Eileen Kackenmeister, Jeff Morrison, Dan Scammon, Rebecca Schrumm, Byrl Short, and Auderien Soeun.

After the MSP workshop on May 22, the writing team will begin creating the first draft of the document. When the MSP team has prepared the draft, it will be sent to the Council for review and approval. The final step is for the document to be shared with the congregation for review and approval. The MSP writing team includes: Mark Beliveau, Linda Edwards, Dot Kasik, and Eileen Kackenmeister.

Following the congregation approval, the completed MSP document will be sent to the New England Synod office where Pr. Wilco, our Synod representative will match our needs and desires with the qualifications of pastoral candidates. We plan to have our MSP document to the Synod by the start of summer. Then the Call Committee will await resumes of clergy who are seeking a new call. As you’ve probably heard, there are fewer candidates available than at other times, so we may have to remind ourselves to be patient and trust that someone will be lead to us. Call Committee members include: Erlinde Beliveau (Council representative), Stephanie Goupil, Tina Maiorino, Julie Moore, Dick Topping, and Dave Smith.

Please pray for our Transition Team members, as well as MSP writing team members, and Call Committee members that they may listen thoughtfully, and discern God’s path. And say thank you to these individuals when you have a chance!