June 23, 2022: Happy Summer!

Happy Summer! Based on tradition, as of the Sunday of the annual picnic, we are officially on our summer worship schedule. However, in today’s world, nothing much has changed. One thing that is different that the choir has no weekday rehearsals, and all are invited to come early to worship to rehearse the songs for that day. As we have done and past, services will vary week to week between a more contemporary style and a more traditional style. And as we’ve announced before, we will have a number of guest pastors and speakers through the summer. Meanwhile our Ministry Site Profile writers are busy working on the document to send to the synod, and the Call Committee is preparing to interview pastoral candidates. Faith formation team members have planned Vacation Bible School for 4 Wednesday evenings in July and August. VBS relies on many volunteers to host a fun and thoughtful event for kids of all ages. Please consider whether you might be able to volunteer to help make that a reality.

Meanwhile, it’s impossible to ignore that the world we currently know is not the same world we knew in 2019. Long weeks of isolation, virtual worship, connecting minimally with distant family and friends have reinforced the constancy of change. The saying that “change is the only constant” has never been so meaningful. We don’t have the answers to how our church will be changed. But our church and, in fact, all churches are working to understand a new reality and to discern how we approach the future. We are challenged to listen and understand how God is leading us on an unknown journey. Let us all pray for insight during our journey.