July 2022: Inflation and helping a fellow member.

We are all feeling the effects of inflation. Who hasn’t groaned when putting gas in the car, or buying a few groceries that cost a ridiculous amount, paying the monthly electric bill, or paying for an unexpected health care bill. Inflation raises prices, and lowers the value of savings, pensions, and social security income. But the reality is that the impact of inflation is not the same for everyone. The impact of rising prices and decline in the value of money and assets is not as devastating for some as it is for others. One of our fellow congregants who worships with us regularly is feeling the impact of inflation, and is struggling with an unexpected dental bill. This individual is seeking help from our church family. We maintain a line item in the budget labeled “pastor’s discretionary fund” which is a small amount designated for gas and local store gift cards that the Pastor (or Mark) can give to those in need. But we do not budget to provide assistance with things like health care bills, or help with life necessities. Our decision was to invite the congregation to help meet this need. The amount requested is $650. Please watch for additional information as we work to set this up.