New Constitution Draft for Congregational Review

Toward the end of 2021, we undertook a review and revision of our Constitution. At the end of November, a task force led by Russ Hilliard and Mark Beliveau completed revisions to the constitution reflecting changes that are required by the New England Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Additional changes to the proposed constitution reflect current ways in which we do business, such as allowing for electronic voting. The proposed constitution has been reviewed and approved by the Council, and will be reviewed and voted on by the congregation at the semi-annual meeting on June 12. Two documents are available for you to access and review prior to the meeting. One is a brief memo prepared by Russ briefly describing changes that you will find in the second document which is the proposed constitution.

You can view the full document here.

Paper copies are also available in the church office. Please read the documents in preparation for discussion at the meeting.