May 26, 2022: Summer Schedule & the School of Lay Ministry

The other day I was asked when we would be starting the summer worship schedule at Holy Trinity. I paused for a moment to think about how to respond. Actually, we’ve been on what we used to call “summer schedule” since we returned to in-person worship as the pandemic waned. This summer we will continue with our usual summer activities. We will continue to have worship services every Sunday at 9:30, with communion offered every week. The format of the service will continue to alternate between traditional and contemporary. If we have volunteers, we will have a coffee hour after the service. Vacation Bible School will be held in 4 consecutive Wednesdays in July and August, Bible Study will continue to be held weekly, and the semi-annual meeting and church picnic will take place on June 12. But what makes this summer differ from other summers is that we don’t have a full time or part time pastor. However, the plan that the council and the worship committee have put together will hopefully result in a summer that will provide for rich, meaningful worship.

Pastor George Koch will officiate at many of the May, June and July services, and other Pastors will officiate for all Sundays in August, and several in June and July. At some of our summer worship services, individuals from our congregation as well as from outside of our congregation will be providing a temple talk in lieu of the traditional sermon on topics such as the Indonesian experience, Christian life in Tanzania, and the Afghan resettlement program.

We are blessed at Holy Trinity with several members and friends who have attended the School of Lay Ministry (SLM) sponsored by the NE Synod. “The School of Lay Ministry is designed to educate and equip lay people for enhanced participation in congregational and synodical life through personal spiritual development, biblical enhancement, and life-long learning.”

( The individuals who have completed this program have volunteered to share their insights and learning with us as we go through this transition phase at Holy Trinity. This Sunday, May 29, Jill Schock will be the first of the SLM graduates to offer a “Temple Talk” in lieu of the traditional sermon. On July 17, several of the SLM graduates will work together to participate in the worship service and offer the message. We are a community rich with blessings, and we hope you will join us as move through these summer months.

If you’re interested in learning more about the School of Lay Ministry, talk to Yvonne and Dick Topping, Jill and Jerry Schock, or Ade Monareh, or check the web site cited above.