Crisis Counseling
When life becomes harried and overwhelming, remember you do not need to go it alone. There are options for conversation and assistance that can help you manage through the situation. The following are options you may want to consider:
- Suicide Hotline 1-800-273-8255
- Mental Health Hotline – 1-866-457-2910
- Rape Crisis Hotline 1-800-747-7070
- HAVEN NH (Domestic and Sexual Violence) 603-994-7233
- Drug Treatment Hotline – 1-866-720-3784
- Alcoholics Anonymous Hotline – 1-800-593-3330
- Seacoast Outright (LGBTQ) – 603-431-1013
- Child Abuse Neglect Hotline – 1-800-894-5533
- Adult Protective Services – 1-800-949-0470
Pastor also is available for crisis counseling. Please call the church at 603-436-1704 for assistance.
Premarital or Marital Counseling
Premarital Counseling
Congratulations on your engagement! What a joy filled time in life! And, there is so much to do in preparation. To assist you in your preparations, Holy Trinity has a “Wedding Planning Guide” which will help you walk through the steps of planning a wedding at Holy Trinity or with the Pastor of Holy Trinity. It is recommended that you contact the church a minimum of six months prior to an intended wedding date to begin the process.
You may download the Wedding Planning Guide or contact the Church Office at 603-436-1704 or email for a copy.
Please note that premarital counseling is an expectation for all weddings at Holy Trinity or with the Pastor of Holy Trinity. The goal of premarital counseling is to help the couple to have as strong a relationship as possible as they enter into their married life.
- Holy Trinity Wedding Planning Guide
- Holy Trinity Wedding Planning Sheet
- Suggested Readings for a Wedding
- Suggested Hymns and Processional for a Wedding
Marital Counseling
All married couples go through various seasons in their relationship, and sometimes a counselor can help the couple through seasons that offer more challenges. Issues from finances to child rearing, to blending families to infidelity and much more can cause stress, but can be worked through to a more peaceful resolution.
Holy Trinity’s Pastor offers marital counseling for couples or individuals in a relationship. Such counseling will be confidential and short term oriented.
For longer term counseling, Pastor will offer the names of marriage and family counselors in the area.
Baptism: For you or your child
So, you would like to bring your child for baptism?
What a joy! Please contact Pastor at 603-436-1704 to set up an opportunity to meet with pastor to discuss what baptism means for your child and what your child’s baptism means for you. Baptisms will be scheduled when meeting with Pastor.
You may fill out a Request for Baptism form and email it to to begin the Baptism request process.
When bringing a child to baptism, you engage in the process of helping this child growing in the Christian faith. But the process does not end at the font—it is just the beginning.
In the baptismal service the adults bringing the child promise to help the child grow in Christian understanding by placing the scriptures in her/his hands, teaching the child to pray, sharing in service beyond self, learning the Creeds of the Church, and living in communion with the Church. Let’s talk about your role in the process of living and sharing with your child and how Holy Trinity is in this with you.
So, you would like to be baptized?
Welcome to a significant step in your faith formation and development. God draws people to baptism at any and all ages. As an adult, you have the opportunity of growing in understanding as you prepare for your baptism.
Please contact 603-436-1704 to arrange a meeting with the Pastor to begin this process of preparation.
Grief Counseling and Funeral Preparation
Grief Counseling
Everyone experiences losses in life. Losses can range from the end of a job to the end of a relationship, to the loss of a loved one or the loss of a pet. Grief is a process—yet no one needs to go it alone.
If you are experiencing a loss, please contact Pastor at 603-436-1704 to arrange an appointment for conversation.
If you find yourself in a more prolonged grief process related to the death of a loved one or friend, you may want to contact Hospice:
- Seacoast Hospice: Portsmouth 603-778-7391, or Dover 603-740-8500
Funeral Preparation
When a death occurs, Holy Trinity is here for you, to walk alongside you, to honor the loved one, and to support you.
You may download a Funeral Preparation Booklet or contact the Church Office at 603-436-1704 or email for a copy.
If there has been a death, please contact the Church Office as soon as possible so that we may assist you in the planning the funeral and offer you our support.