March 2019 Council Minutes

Holy Trinity Council Meeting Agenda March 14, 2019 We Gather In God’s Name

Present: Dave Smith, Paul Karl, Joan Bauer, Julie Moore, Pastor Tim Krick, Linda Edwards, and Krissy Birthisel. (Cristina Dolcino: excused absence due to rescheduled meeting).


  1. Devotions – Dave
  2. Meeting minutes approval • February 19 minutes approved on-line We Celebrate and Give Thanks for the Past
  3. Secretary Report a. We got about 50 paper responses and about 50 responses in our database to the Contact Information insert that went in the bulletin for 3 weeks.
  4. Treasurer Report a. See attached reports.
  5. Pastor’s Report
    a. See attached report.
  6. Ministry Team Reports a. Come Together – Joan i. The banners have been hung for Lent, using a different method which should make it easier to change them in the future. b. Grow in Faith – Julie i. No meeting last month due to scheduling conflicts, but programming is complete and planned until May. Though a few people had to cancel last minute for the Women’s Retreat, and many came home early due to weather, it was still deemed very valuable by those in attendance. 18 people attended. c. Serve the Lord – Paul i. Attended Dover Friendly Kitchen last month. Very cold; not many served in person, but many took food with them for others they knew who could not make it out that night. Discussion of idea to recognize Bonnie Sanders for her 25 years of dedicated service to this program. ii. During Pastoral transition, Bonnie took on going to some DARLA (Dover Area Religious Leaders Association) meetings, and might be willing to continue doing so. She will talk to Pastor directly if it becomes too much.
  7. In/Out Task Fund Review
    a. A team is being formed and will meet to discuss the funds.
  8. Investment Group a. Ed Mallon has agreed to lead a group, along with Paul and possibly others. Group will meet and come back to council with suggestions for ways and amounts to invest.
  9. Church’s “highway” sign a. We might shortly be beneficiaries of a memorial fund which could be used toward putting up a sign that can be seen from the highway. Given previous estimates for what such a sign would cost, this would make it more feasible. Pastor will look in to whether those estimates are still current.
  10. Reconciling in Christ process A group will meet April 8th to discuss what next steps might be, and report back to Council.

We Look to the Future

  1. Upcoming Calendar review (next two months) a. Council Meetings April 9, May 14, June 11

Prayer of Thanksgiving and Guidance