February 2019 Council Minutes

Holy Trinity Council Meeting Agenda February 19, 2019 We Gather In God’s Name

PRESENT: Pastor Krick, Dave Smith, Joan Bauer, Julie Moore, Cristina Dolcino, Krissy Birthisel and Paul Karl. (Linda Edwards: excused absence.)


  1. Thank You Cards a. Motion/second/approved: to get a $200 gift card for Jim McKenna in appreciation for work on heating system over the years.

  2. Devotions – brief discussion - Jesus Freak, chapter 6 (Follow Me) – Pastor

  3. Meeting minutes approval • Jan 8, 2019 minutes approved on line • Jan 14, 2019 special budget meeting minutes approved on line

We Celebrate and Give Thanks for the Past

  1. Secretary Report a. No report.

  2. Treasurer Report a. Grow in Faith expenses were more than expected in January due to high interest in the youth ski weekend. The difference between budget and actual can be taken from the Faith Formation In/Out Youth Fund. b. Discussion of how to approach funding for trips in the future, including the upcoming National Lutheran Youth Gathering, especially when there is more interest than anticipated.

  3. Pastor’s Report a. See attached report.

  4. Ministry Team Reports a. Come Together – Joan i. Music and worship team: Liturgical dance planned for Palm Sunday processional. ii. Suppers will be offered in Lent, on Wednesday evenings and Maundy Thursday. No supper on Ash Wednesday. Discussion of which groups will be responsible for which weeks. iii. Easter breakfast is ready to go.

b. Grow in Faith – Julie i. Ski weekend for youth was popular. See Pastor’s report for more. ii. VBS: July 28-Aug 1. Planning/training to be held in April or May. iii. Lots of buzz about upcoming adult forums.

c. Serve the Lord – Paul i. Will go to Dover Friendly Kitchen next week. ii. Discussion of DARLA (Dover Area Religious Leaders Association) and its various branches and different meetings. Pastor will work to discover which meetings it makes sense for us to attend.

  1. In/Out Task Fund a. Discussion of creation of a Funds Review Committee to go through In/Out funds, with the purpose of better understanding what we have and putting the money to its intended uses.

We Look to the Future

  1. Reconciled in Christ (RIC) a. Discussion whether to pursue the next steps in this process. Decision to move forward with forming a group to discuss next steps.
  2. Wiggle Room/Meeting Room a. Possibility of switching the meeting room and wiggle room discussed. Jill L. will be asked to put together a plan for whether that would be possible.
  3. Upcoming Calendar review (next two months) a. Council Meetings: March 12, April 9, May 14, June 11 b. Lenten suppers – 5:30 PM: March 13, 20, 27, April 3, 10 c. Palm Sunday: April 14, Easter April 21 d. June 9th: Picnic and Semi-Annual meeting

Prayer of Thanksgiving and Guidance