April 2019 Council Minutes

Holy Trinity Council Meeting Agenda April 9, 2019 We Gather In God’s Name

Present: Dave Smith, Paul Karl, Joan Bauer, Julie Moore, Tim Krick, Linda Edwards, Krissy Birthisel, and Cristina Dolcino.


  1. Blessings
  2. Thank You Cards a. Easter breakfast helpers b. Those who put banners up c. Tom and Michelle Bernth d. Congratulatory card for Eagle Court of Honor
  3. Devotions – Cristina
  4. Meeting minutes approval • March 14 minutes approved on-line We Celebrate and Give Thanks for the Past
  5. Secretary Report a. The signed re-covenant between Holy Trinity and Imanuel Indonesian Lutheran Church is now framed and hanging up by our Gathering Area entrance.
  6. Treasurer Report a. See attached reports.
  7. Pastor’s Report
    a. See attached report.
  8. Come Together – Joan a. Worship team has not met since beginning of season, but all is going well and running smoothly.
  9. Grow in Faith – Julie a. VBS planning is underway. Heidi is committed to staying through VBS but is unsure about after that, due to her new job. b. Our most regular Wiggle Room staffer will be going to college locally, so might be able to continue next year.
  10. Serve the Lord – Paul a. Paul recognized Bonnie Sanders during an interactive sermon for her ~25 years work with Dover Friendly Kitchen.
  11. In/Out Task Fund Review a. Kurk Kasik, Scott Carson, and Linda have been meeting and have made progress in their review. Many of the funds do go in and out on a regular basis and should probably be left alone. Some might be able to be cleaned up and closed. Other funds include designated giving (to disaster relief, etc.), which Council will need to decide how often to move out. The group will report to Council in May.
  12. Investment group a. Paul met with Rebecca Shrum and Ed Mallon to ask their recommendations of how to proceed. They provided Council with a sample investment policy statement as a place to start working. Discussion of how much to put in what sort of investment, and how much to keep as easily accessible. Discussion of also including a capital fund line item in the statement. b. Decision made to ask Rebecca and Ed for their recommendations, which Council will look at and come to a decision about in May.
  13. Church’s “highway” sign update a. Portsmouth Sign Company gave estimates at various price points. Decision was made to seek out estimates from a few other companies to see how they compare.
  14. Reconciling in Christ process https://www.reconcilingworks.org/resources/ric/ a. Due to schedule conflicts, an initial group has yet to meet, but will plan to meet at the end of April.
  15. Wiggle Room update a. The Wiggle Room will be moving to one of the empty classrooms. Discussion of obtaining furniture to turn current Wiggle Room space into a conference room.
  16. Discussion of doing a Beer and Pizza night at a local restaurant/bar, as we have done in the past.

We Look to the Future

  1. Upcoming Calendar review (next two months) a. Council Meetings: April 9, May 14, June 11 b. Semi-annual Meeting: June 9

Prayer of Thanksgiving and Guidance