January 2019 Council Minutes

Holy Trinity Council Meeting Minutes January 8, 2019 We Gather in God’s Name

PRESENT: Pastor Krick, Dave Smith, Martha Belanger, Scott Carson, Linda Edwards, Ron Indorf, Joan Bauer, Julie Moore and Cristina Dolcino.

o Devotions: Jesus Freak, chapter 5 (Raising the Dead) o Meeting minutes approval • December 11, 2018 minutes approved on line We Celebrate and Give Thanks for the Past o Secretary Report • No report

o Pastor’s Report
• See attached report

o Treasurer’s report • As anticipated expenses were high in December, $38,626, primarily because much of the Social Ministry checks are written to organizations in December. Expenses exceeded offerings by $985. • 2018 accounting records are still being finalized, but it is expected that there will be approximately a $5,000 surplus for the year.

o Ministry Team Reports • Come Together:  No report

• Serve the Lord  Full team meetings for Social Ministry and Caring Connections will take place in February.  Delivered over 80 gifts to Toys for Tots.

• Grow in Faith  VBS planning underway  Ski Weekend at Calumet: 8 teens (so far) have signed up.  First Communion Classes: Pastor will be offering a first communion class in the late winter.

We Seek God’s Direction for our Church o Nominating Committee • The following people have accepted nominations to serve on the Holy Trinity Congregation Council  Krissy Birthisel: Council Secretary  Paul Karl: At Large (Serve the Lord)

We Look to the Future o Reviewed and updated the Annual Meeting Agenda • Discussion was held of how to manage the delegates to the ELCA Synod Convention in June. The decision was made to inform the congregation of the opportunity to serve and that nominations will be accepted and a vote held at the Annual Meeting on January 27.

o Budget • Reviewed the updated 2019 Budget. Council will meet again on Monday, January 14 at 5:00 to finalize the budget.

o Upcoming Calendar review (next two months) • January 20: Adult Forum-budget discussion • January 27: Annual Meeting • February 12: Council Meeting • March 12: Council Meeting

Prayer of Thanksgiving and Guidance