May 2019 Council Minutes

Holy Trinity Council Meeting Agenda May 14 2019 We Gather In God’s Name


  1. Blessings
  2. Thank You Cards
  3. Devotions – Linda
  4. Meeting minutes approval • April 9 minutes approved on-line We Celebrate and Give Thanks for the Past
  5. Investment Group – Ed Mallon a. Ed presented a draft Investment Policy Statement. Council will deliberate and vote at a future meeting. Some discussion on how to best make sure our investments are socially responsible as possible.
  6. Treasurer Report a. See attached reports.
  7. In/Out Fund Study Team Report a. See attached reports. b. Certain funds’ purposes are unclear or have been lost over time. The In/Out team suggests making appropriate team leaders aware and ask their suggestions for how to proceed with those funds they are responsible for. The report also recommends three specific areas Council should address and actions to be taken. The report and topic will be on the June Council meeting agenda.
  8. Secretary Report a. No Report.
  9. Pastor’s Report
    a. See attached report.
  10. Come Together – Joan a. Worship rolling along. Genius signup for worship assistants going smoothly.
  11. Grow in Faith – Julie a. May 19 is official end of programming; finale planned, with a tie-in to VBS. VBS theme this summer is “Roar”. Year has gone outstandingly. b. Nine children going to camp this summer.
  12. Serve the Lord – Paul a. Crossroads House i. We have given to them in the past, haven’t recently. Discussion on whether to start giving to them again will be part of 2020 budget discussions. ii. Nancy Hansen has done a lot of work with meals with arranging meals for various church members. iii. Discussion on better ways to get the word out to people who want to help with meals for people in need. It was decided that we need to be better at getting the word out through multiple platforms (announcement, Facebook, Tidings, etc.)
  13. Church’s “highway” sign update a. Waiting on another estimate, so no discussion.
  14. Reconciling in Christ process b. Pastor and Cristina went to a “Build an Inclusive Church” workshop in MA. Gave a good framework for how to have these conversations as a church. Ongoing, slow process. Group will meet again to discuss next steps.

We Look to the Future

  1. Set agenda for Semi-Annual meeting June 9. a. Possible minor parking lot upkeep, Property Team will get back to us. b. Pastor discussing vision for the fall c. Audit team? d. Budget review e. Date for God’s Work Our Hands: October 6
  2. Upcoming Calendar review (next two months) a. Council Meetings June 11, July 9, Aug 13

Prayer of Thanksgiving and Guidance