June 2024: The Tent is up!

We can tell that it's June again! The tent is up and the barbecue grill is out and ready for use. Thanks are due to all the folks who helped make this happen over the past several days. It is always a larger task than might appear to get all of the various items for the tent and the barbecue grill out of storage and ready for use. I really should thank everyone by name, but I know I would miss someone and feel bad about it. Let's just all be thankful for those who stepped up and made it happen. Your efforts are very much appreciated.

Given the various weather considerations, we were on a tight schedule this year to get the preparations done and to have the Newington Fire Department do the required tent inspection before our first use of the tent this year. I spoke with Deputy Fire Chief Moynihan today and he confirmed the inspection was complete and we can legally use the tent for our first barbecue event for the season.

Dave Mercer, Property Team Leader (pro tempore)