May 2024: Painting of the Steeple, New Rain Gutters, and a Toilet leak fixed.

We have selected a contractor, Applied Painting and Epoxy in Nashua, NH, to complete painting of the steeple, staining of the exterior wood around the main entry and sanctuary soffits, pressure washing of the exterior siding, and hand washing of the exterior glass. The agreement has been signed and work could begin as early as June 24. If weather cooperates, this work should be completed in about five days. More information will be provided as we get closer to the start date.

You may have observed the new rain gutters and downspouts recently installed to the right of the main entry. This work was completed by the Thursday Group and we are hopeful that it will resolve some water intrusion issues in the basement during heavy rainfall events.

We recently experienced more water leakage from one our toilets. As is typical for these types of leaks, some ceiling tiles in the basement were damaged and had to be replaced. We made changes to the bolting hardware and seals for the tank. Hopefully, this problem is resolved.

When it rains, it pours! A pin-hole leak developed in the copper line that supplies water to the same toilet tank discussed above. Unfortunately, the leak was between the shutoff valve and the wall and could not be isolated for a repair. We were able to install a temporary fix and called in a plumber to complete a proper repair. This type of leak is fairly common in copper lines, particularly older lines such as ours.

The Thursday Group has need of more hands, particularly for some of our routine inside tasks that involve some light cleaning and some outside work in our garden areas. Please advise the office or contact me if you are willing to help out.

David Mercer, Property Team Leader (pro tempore)