August 2021: Some new faces and welcome help for the Property Team!

As I have mentioned in previous blog entries, the number of volunteers serving the Property Team, particularly on Thursday mornings, waxes and wanes with time. People join us from time-to-time and some must leave for various reasons. We appreciate the work of all of our volunteers, those who serve for the long haul and those that cannot. We never know where help can come from. Recently, Gisela Wemple brought some visiting relatives with her to help on some tasks. Please accept my thanks to each and every one of you who have helped in any way, currently or in the past, on Thursday mornings or any other time. You are the very best!

This summer we welcomed a couple of new volunteers to our number as Jeff Morrison and Bill Larson joined us. Jeff has helped us for many years on special electrical tasks, and I believe he also worked with the Thursday Group before my time. I do not know Bill's history with the Property Team, but I imagine he has supported property matters when called upon in his long tenure with Holy Trinity. Thank you Jeff and Bill for giving generously of your time in retirement. Your involvement is making a big difference in what we are able to do. If any of you readers feel the urge, join us on Thursday mornings or see me about some special projects that can be addressed at times that work best for you. I know some folks feel comfortable working alone and others do not. We are a flexible group and can make arrangements to team you up with another volunteer who is willing and able to work on a flexible schedule. I should also say that we do not expect or anticipate that our volunteers will have to pay for materials, tools, or supplies. We will work with any volunteers to determine what materials or tools may be needed and to obtain what is needed. I know some people prefer to work with their own tools and equipment, and that is fine also. Let's do this!

David Mercer, Property Team Leader