October 2021: Signs, signs ...everywhere signs! What's in a sign?

As the song says. "Signs, signs, everywhere signs ..." Signs are ubiquitous and convey all manner of information. Lest we forget, Holy Trinity has its share of signs inside and outside the building. I know we have had at least one special committee that looked into our major outside signage a few years ago. I do not recall what came out of that effort, but I know we currently have three exterior signs that present information about who are and what we do.

First, we have the lighted informational sign near the building that we can change easily by inserting different wording to suit current happenings, services, and seasons. We also have a very nice wooden sign at Fox Run Road, originally placed to serve primarily the people exiting the highway and traffic approaching the church along Fox Run Road from the malls and Woodbury Avenue. A couple of years ago, this sign was reoriented to better serve the traffic situation after the highway exit at our location was closed. The sign was also refurbished and primarily serves people that may come to our church for the first time and people that are entering or leaving Walmart or the nearby businesses across the street from the church. The third sign is the large, lighted sign on the property line at the Spaulding Turnpike. I know nothing about the history of this sign, but I surmise it was not professionally made or installed. I imagine it was made and installed with love and best intentions by our property team volunteers, but it has not aged well and has marginal lighting.

Over the past couple of years, we have pursued options to replace the highway sign with a modern, professionally designed and installed version that would better serve our needs and represent us in the best light (yes, I know ... bad pun!). This initiative moved forward in fits and starts, and has been pursued aggressively since early June. We received bids and reviewed sign layout options. In late September we selected Stewart Signs, a Florida company specializing in church signs and accepted their proposal for our new highway sign. The sign will be manufactured in their factory in Alabama and shipped to one of the installation companies in New Hampshire that Stewart Signs uses.

The first phase of the sign project will require a visit from engineers to do a survey and prepare sealed engineering drawings for an installation that will withstand design wind loads of 120 mph. The installer will obtain the required permits for the sign installation, remove the existing sign and footing, pour a new footer and hardware attachments, and install the new sign after the new footer has fully cured. We anticipate that the new sign will be in place before winter. Much of the preparatory work will be done during the period when the sign is being manufactured, shipped, and receipt-inspected. There will be a period of time (a few weeks) when there will be no sign at the highway.

The new sign will be a significant change from the old. The main portion of the sign will be 6 feet high and 10 feet wide. The lower portion (Imanuel) is the same width and 2.5 feet high. Both portions are fully back-lighted (a box light sign) and presented on both sides of the sign. Keep an eye out for the changes as they occur this fall.

David Mercer, Property Team Leader