October 29, 2020: Be still and know that I am God.

“Be still and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10

My wife, Vicky, has the first two words tattooed on the inside of her left wrist. It was her second tattoo. She got it in a time in which she wanted to reassurance that the presence of God was with her and to help strengthen her faith. Over the years, it has taken on new meanings. It doesn’t leave the old meaning behind, but rather adds to the depth of meaning. She was telling me the other day it is a continual reminder to stop and be still. Life is moving so fast, is so hectic and feels like there is always one more thing to do that she needs a literal reminder that it is okay and good to stop.

For me, I am thinking of a third meaning. As I have said before, we all seem to be living on edge. Anxiety is high. COVID fatigue is setting in. Schools are mainly virtual. It is getting darker earlier. The presidential election is next week. Thanksgiving plans are unknown and it appears that regular large gatherings are not going to happen like in the past. On top of that, we all have our own personal issues. Maybe a relationship is struggling. A boss or employees are annoying. Money is tight and bills are piling up. There could be any number of things going on.

So right now, stop. Close your eyes and breathe. Take a moment and pause. Be Still. Let your lungs fill up with fresh air and then exhale it out. Feel your face muscles relax and your shoulders drop. Do it again. Do it a third time.

Know that God is with you. Not in a far-off place looking down on you, but rather in an intimate and personal way. It is in a way that is says God is part of the essence of your being. God is as real to you as the air you just breathed in. God is as vital to you as the food you eat and the water you drink.

Quiet your mind and body and hear these words from the creator of the universe who loves you with an energy and fire that is greater than a thousand burning suns.

“Be still and know that I am God.”

Grace and peace,

Pastor Tim