October 26, 2020: We need your help to worship safely.

The week has arrived. Our first indoor worship service is this Sunday at 8:30am. All the precautions and guidelines to follow were given out last week and are available on the website. Remember, signing up is required.

One more thing. In order for these services to occur, we need help from all of you. Due to COVID-19, we can’t assign Sunday morning volunteers like we have done in the past. Instead, we are asking you, if you are going to attend an indoor service, to look at the “jobs needed” on the Sign-up Genius and consider doing one of them. You will be given all you need to know prior to the service and no experience is necessary (except for “Counters.” Experience is required.)

Remember, whether you are in the sanctuary on Sunday or at home in your living. The church is not a building. The church is a group of people assembled, in any way, place or time, to worship and receive the love of God revealed in Jesus. We are one people, not because of walls, but because of Christ. The One who knows no boundaries and breaks down all walls.

Lastly, New Hampshire and all of New England has done really well, overall, during this pandemic. Our numbers are consistently some of, if not the lowest, in all the country. That is because we have done our job. We keep distance from each other. We were masks. We wash our hands. After 6 months of this, “pandemic fatigue” is very real and can set in. It is tempting to grow tired of it all and say “Forget it. I am going back to the way things were. I don’t want to do this anymore.” Resist that temptation. Keep going. Keep doing what you have been doing. I know it will be hard. We are headed into winter and it will be more difficult to be outside. Now is not the time to let up. Now is the time to find a little extra resolve and continue doing what we have been doing. It can be hard, but it is worth it.

Hope to see you in one way or another on Sunday.

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Tim