September 2020: There simply is a lot going on in the world

There simply is a lot going on in the world - extreme weather, wildfires, racial protests, and related concerns of COVID. We individually offer prayers, donate to relief organizations, watch the news, and look out for others. And if you are like me, you reflect on how grateful we are to be living where we do. I enjoy the natural beauty of this area and the ways that many people live practically, moving through life with ingenuity and independence. Some people also say neighbors in New England exist by following a “live and let live” attitude - if you don’t bother me then I won’t bother you. This is one “identity” I haven’t seen at Holy Trinity given all the ways members do their best to live a Christ-like life.

Even though this pandemic has significantly challenged us in ways we couldn’t and can’t imagine, we have found avenues to support one other as well as those who happen to be outside our Church family. This coming Sunday we will be “running” for Calumet to assist their important programming and the Caring Connections ministry continues to soften peoples’ feelings of isolation and sadness. Many members have contributed their stories of faith, songs, music, readings, and prayers to our outdoor and Zoom services. The Thursday Morning Group keeps a watchful eye, hands-on approach for the property as members offer their time and expertise. Funds for Social Ministry surpassed previous levels of giving, and the Faith Formation gives creative opportunities to our youth and adults. Local neighbors with food insecurity are utilizing the Pop-up Pantry and our offerings maintain the church. With a list like this, I don’t think Holy Trinity practices the ways of “live and let live.” Instead Pastor leads us and challenges us to reflect, make decisions, and act in faith-based ways that extends love and contributes to the needs of others. Yes, it is hard to not worship together inside the Church AND it is good to remember and rejoice that Holy Trinity is coming together, growing in faith, and serving the Lord.

August 2020: When I think of the month of August I think about the colors of red and green.

When I think of the month of August I think about the colors of red and green. Sure, these colors are popular in December, but right now I see them outside as my tomatoes ripen surrounded with lush green leaves. My effort to grow vegetables started in the Spring and has continued through this hot summer - now begins my “payoff” harvest that will hopefully be long and diverse with different vegetables.

I also make the connection of experiencing a related “payoff” as I compare efforts people in the Seacoast have made regarding social distancing and mask wearing. I am grateful we haven’t had the dramatic increase of cases like other locations in the US and around the World. Having said this, I am not suggesting that we should change our current practices. I believe we need to carry on by following science informed restrictions in consistent and complete ways.

I believe the ideas and forethought that Pastor provided since mid-March to offer worship, ministry, and guidance has supported me through these bizarre, challenging, and isolating times. I think as a church, we can also acknowledge our “payoff.“ We successfully reached and exceeded our Social Ministry goal which has sent funds to local social supporting organizations and ministries which help people in the Seacoast area.

Other payoffs exist in how we are able to worship on Sunday via Zoom, outside (reserved seating) on Tuesday evenings, and quietly sitting alone in church (scheduled visit). We also benefit when we give service to the church through the chores completed outside and inside church, donation food for our Thursday pop-up pantry, offer your time to set-up the pop-up pantry, or serve on one of the church’s ministry teams. If you are curious about any of these “payoffs” please contact Pastor or Mark in the office to learn more!

I have been also watched a “payoff” given to us by two of our church members. Several weeks ago, a strong storm moved over the church and an electrical surge or strike caused damage to some of our electrical use systems. I was quickly reminded of how fortunate Holy Trinity is to have members who hold diverse talents and the willingness to invest their time and energy serving the church. Dave Smith and Dave Mercer, along with Pastor and Mark Donahue, investigated, researched, informed, collaborated, and still continue to follow-up with the process of repair. This “payoff” will be appreciated by us all when we are able to return safely together to worship in church.

I will continue to enjoy the “payoffs” from my garden and will look-out for more hidden pay-offs of appreciation and gratitude as we all transition to another season in the loving hands of God’s support and constant love.

July 2020: "Leave No Trace"

There is a common saying when in nature that people should “Leave No Trace.”

This means when you are in nature, especially in places that are fragile, you act in ways that don’t change the environment. You leave no evidence you were there. While good in principle, this is not really possible. No matter how hard we try to “leave only footprints and take only pictures,” our presence on the trail, on the water, along the road etc. still causes some degree of change to the environment.

As Pastor mentioned during last Sunday’s sermon (Matthew; 13:1-9, 19-23-the parable of the sower), “we live in a world where we are consuming things to help US out.” He also told us we can choose to live in a world where we can be “producers serving creation.” We all possess an amazing potential to love people and use things to promote more love, healing, growth, acceptance, etc. Jesus tells us in this parable that we are to be producers; people who produce love that is kind, non-judgmental, patient, and generous. How do we each produce these kinds of love and “live it” in our World? Some may offer their time, others their knowledge, while others their generosity – it’s wonderful that our list can go on. All these offerings are sorely needed today.

I think that “leaving no trace” is important if you are talking about litter in the woods, but we can also leave our traces of love everyday with the people we interact with as we do our best to produce Jesus’s love.

June 2020: Understanding the societal factors of racism.

“There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:28).”

“On June 27, 2019, the Church Council of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America adopted the following declaration as a statement addressed to people of African descent.“ This document entitled, “Explanation of the declaration of the ELCA to People of African Descent,” serves as an apology to people of African descent for ECLA’s “complicity in slavery and its enduring legacy of racism in the United States and globally.”1 This apology goes on to state that the Lutheran church still needs to recognize the fact that slavery created and perpetuated racism through the falsehoods of racial inferiority and demonization of black people. For 246 years over 12 million people from Africa were enslaved, killed, tortured, and stolen from their native countries and put into slavery. “Although the practice of slavery was legal, it was morally and ethically wrong. The ELCA has defined racism as sin, but that acknowledgement requires examination of complicity in slavery.”1 This document goes further to explain historical figures and events related to Lutherans, slavery, and racism.

I feel part of this sin. I recognize my biased thoughts and the benefits I have been given and unearned, knowingly or unknowingly, because of my white skin. People of color, instead experience exclusion due to institutional (systemic) racism. Institutional racism is when resources, power, and opportunity are beneficial to white people at the exclusion to people of color (e.g., slavery, education, housing, healthcare.)2 The declaration from the ELCA continues with writing about the history of slavery and Lutheran’s involvement in it, the how and why today’s Lutherans are part of the apology, and where the Lutheran Church should go from here (link to declaration is below).

In Pastor Tim’s recent online services, he has been using the white board to help us understand about terms related to racism and how the gospel is pertinent as we move through these challenging times. In last Sunday’s gospel reading, Mathew 9:35-10:8, Jesus reminds us we are to go out, be with, and show compassion to the helpless and harassed. The helpless and harassed who may be:

- lonely and spiritually yearning while at home due to the pandemic. 
- working through unemployment and the many factors related to job insecurity or loss. 
- exhausted after a lifetime of policies, laws, and biases due to an imbalance of power.

The scripture, this ECLA document, and Pastor’s sermons and writings encourages and challenges us to reflect upon how people of color are significantly marginalized because of overt (intentional) and implicit (implied, unexpressed) characteristics. Pastor is offering for us to better understand the terms and societal factors of racism, reminding us to “go out and be the church” in whatever ways possible. Holy Trinity’s members have opportunities to practice and support anti-racism through the ministries of Seacoast Promise, Gather, 68 Hours of Hunger, Dover Friendly Kitchen, or Holy Trinity’s new Pop-Up Pantry. Jesus calls us to be compassionate and the ECLA calls us to engage in anti-racism and racial justice that promotes economic equity. We can all pray for each other as our growing understanding and knowledge creates stronger words and actions for all are one in Christ Jesus.

I understand some members might disagree with much of what we are learning. If you have concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Pastor Tim to discuss these ideas further. We can only learn through conversation.

1 Explanation of the Declaration of the ELCA to People of African Descent

2 Definition & Analysis of Institutional Racism

April 2020: Our New Normal

How many times have you thought about the changes that have occurred since Bishop Hazelwood’s visit on March 1st? As I write this, I wonder how our “new normal” will continue to change our lives? I could start to guess, but the bottom line is it really doesn’t matter. We still need to learn, adjust, and carry on with determination, strength, and resilience alongside feelings of fear, uncertainty, and loss of what use to be. During this Liturgical season of Easter, we are reminded of Jesus’s agony, abandonment, and pain. But through his resurrection we are renewed with God’s grace to share compassion, faithful living, and love. We can also reflect upon how current Christians live during this crisis. We hear of others struggling and offer support. We are told to change and we accept and find goodness. We discover inequality and facilitate new choices. We feel despair and are comforted through prayer. We yearn for tradition or sameness and accept that God’s calming hand is a constant.

Since our church service at Holy Trinity on March 15, we have learned new ways of staying connected with our faith, friends, and the liturgy. This has been easier for some people than for others depending upon factors of health, technology, family and community support. The Caring Connections Committee has begun a Shepard’s program of phone calling our members. The Church Council will be discussing what additional opportunities can help us stay connected. Please continue to notify the Church’s office, Pastor Tim, or a Council member should you or someone you know have a need.

Some people would love to know when we will be “back to normal,” while others wonder how different the new normal will be? We can only imagine the many emotions Jesus felt leading up to his death and resurrection. I’m confident we will also move through these changing times, knowing that the strength of our faith, support of family and friends, commitment by our greater community, talents of Mark in the Church’s office, and Pastor Tim’s pastoral leadership will carry us to brighter days.

March 2020: Lenten Practices

Spring is in the air, Lenten practices are in our hearts, and there is a lot to think about during this time of reflection.

Spring is in the air, Lenten practices are in our hearts, and there is a lot to think about during this time of reflection. Family, work, pastimes, car, house repairs, relatives, health, bills, world events, and especially this year - politics. We can each add to this list and at times it might feel overwhelming. This is how I was feeling about a month ago and was hearing the same from other people. About at the same time I remembered a presentation I had gone to in the Fall. The speaker talked about how loneliness was her number one societal concern. Bishop Hazelwood said the same thing when he visited us on March 1st. I can see loneliness being a significant underlying concern given our busy schedules, screen time habits, to-do lists, thoughts of not doing “enough,” and the yearning to have more time in each day.

“Come together. Grow in faith. Serve the Lord.” We read it on the bulletin, sanctuary, and Church web site. Some of you who are reading this may have been members when these three sentences were selected. “Be kind and generous.” might be one sentence I would add based on the words and actions of Len Klein. I say this because of the special memories I have from the youth mission trips I went on to Northern Maine, New York City, Detroit, and Guatemala. Before leaving on each of these trips, Len and Jean would “slip us” a donation for the youth to use for a special treat – ice cream usually hit the spot! The amazing support of church members, and the kindness and generosity of Len and Jean was very much appreciated after a hard day of physical work, discussions, and challenging experiences. Len and Jean’s gestures are a small reflection of the uncountable acts they and so many other members of Holy Trinity continue to give that may help to soften loneliness. We all feel God’s love and a little less loneliness when kindness and generosity are shared and experienced.

February 2020: Introducing our new Council President, Cristina.

Dear Holy Trinity,

This month begins my tenure as President of our Church Council. I am looking forward to this position for several reasons. First, I will get to meet and work with church members whom I don’t know and collaborate with amazing individuals as we adjust to future challenges. I will also enjoy marveling at the many gifts each member of Holy Trinity shares through their presence on Sunday, the acts of care shared with others, and the commitment to carry out the roles for our services and ministries. I will do my best to be present and listen during spirited and respectful conversations and seek out information and resources when working toward decisions. I will make mistakes, misinterpret, or simply mess up and know that you will help me understand other perspectives when making decisions on the Council. I am excited to experience the direction and opportunities God’s light will offer to Holy Trinity in the time ahead. I will pray and reflect upon how I can best serve these endeavors. Please feel free to introduce yourself and share your thoughts with me.

I recently learned that purple dye was very hard to acquire in ancient times and was connected to royalty. Purple is also considered a color of meditation, penitence, and prayer as believers reflect upon the selfless death Jesus endured for us. As the amount of sunlight slowly increases, let’s hold the promise that our Lenten practices will offer needed justice and peace in our World. Lent begins on February 26th, with Ash Wednesday which means the beginning of family and church traditions. As much as I am intrigued with the music, food, and festivities of the “Carnival of Fat Tuesday,” I know the beginning of my Lenten season will be special when I attend the “monastery meal” and Lenten services on Wednesday evenings beginning March 4th.

May you be the Light,

Cristina Dolcino, Council President

January 2020: The Annual Meeting & A New Council President

Greetings everyone. I’d say Happy New Year but we’re already three weeks into January and the whole holiday season seems to be out of sight in the rear-view mirror. Sooo…. Happy Whatever!! And be joyful …. The days are getting longer!!

A belated note of congratulations goes out to Robert Scammon, who earned the rank of Eagle Scout and was recognized for achieving this highest level of scouting at a ceremony here at Holy Trinity back on December 27th. It’s a long and sometimes very difficult road moving up through the six ranks of scouting to reach this level, so again, congratulations to Robert, and kudo’s, too, to Mom and Dad, Lara and Dan, for all their encouragement and influence in helping their son earn this prestigious award. As you might recall, earlier last year Brian and Matthew Clement also received the Eagle award, so that gives Holy Trinity the distinction of having three young men getting their Eagle rank, which we should all be very proud of.

Here’s a sneak preview / heads-up….. looking down the road to March 1st, Bishop Hazelwood will be visiting and preaching the sermon. It’s been a few years since we’ve had the pleasure of him stopping in at Holy Trinity, so mark your calendar, save the date.

This coming Sunday (19th) we’ll be talking about the church budget between services so that you might be better prepared to vote on it at the annual meeting the following Sunday (26th). I hope you can attend because the Council had to spend quiet a bit of time deciding how to craft the budget as offerings/income have been trending slightly downward over the past few years, while expenses have been going in the opposite direction.

Our Congregational Annual Meeting will be held between services on the 26th, with the budget being the biggest item on an otherwise brief agenda.

The end of the meeting will signal the end of my term as Congregation Council President. A couple folks have asked if I’ll be glad it’s over, and I jokingly say yes, I’ll be free at last…. free at last! ….. thank God almighty I’ll be free at last!!!! But I say that tongue-in-cheek because it’s been four years, two as Vice President and two as President, that have flown by and, quite honestly, have been very rewarding and very enjoyable. It’s been great working with all the different members of Council, Pastor George my first two years as Vice President, and Pastor Tim my last two years as President, and all of you, the congregation, so many people who do so many tasks to keep our Sanctuary and building clean, working/operating, and looking good and, most importantly, enhancing our worship experience. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you all for all you do.

Blessings to all,

Dave Smith

Council President.

December 2019: As Christmas approaches...

For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. (Isaiah 9:6)

Greetings everyone…… I hope you’re all enjoying this Holiday season as we move on to the day of the celebration of the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. For most of us, this can be a great, joyous time of the year, but for others, not so good. We pray that the Holy Spirit might make its presence known and give them comfort, so they too, can enjoy this peace that comes upon us at this time.

Here at Holy Trinity, activities have ramping up as we approach Christmas Day. The sanctuary is looking festive with the Chrismon decorated tree, wall and ceiling banners. Two weeks ago, a big wonderful pile of toys were donated to the Toys for Tots drive, thanks to the generosity of all of you. Last Sunday we had over a dozen of our children present a wonderful Christmas Pageant under the direction of Leslie Darling and Lara Scammon. A big THANK YOU to Leslie and Lara, the children and all those involved in helping to put the program together.

While things may be getting more and more hectic for many of us with Christmas Eve / Christmas Day next week quickly approaching, I’d ask that you note your calendar and keep in mind the Annual Meeting that will take place January 26th between services. A discussion of the proposed budget will take place the week before (January 19th) at adult forum.

As Christmas approaches, and we move into another new calendar year, I wish each and every one of you, and everyone in your family, a blessed and joyous Christmas and a new year of good health, joy, and contentment.

Blessings and Peace,

Dave Smith

Council President

October 2019: Reformation Sunday, RIC Forums, and work around the building.

Greetings Everyone

I know autumn officially began a few weeks ago back in September, and it didn’t feel like fall, but now it looks like it’s here for real with leaves turning from green to bright beautiful colors, and in fact they’re even starting to fall, which means…..uh oh…. raking season is coming soon, if not already here in some plaqces But in my mind it’s worth it, because on a crisp morning with crystal blue sky and bright sun shining on the trees as the leaves get bright orange/yellow/red, you can’t help but feel good, and grateful for all of God’s blessings.

Another sure sign that summer is way back in the rear-view mirror and we’re into the regular routines of school and work can be seen here at Holy Trinity where so many are doing so much. Members of the Thursday Work Group, Faith Formation Team and others pooled their talents to move the Wiggle Room to the room at the end of the hallway to the right of the kitchen. Further work will be done to change the former Wiggle Room into a gathering room for classes and meetings. The Faith Formation Team has been meeting and mapped out plans for the coming year, and plans are being made for future events such as the ski weekend, spring cleanup at Camp Calumet, and Confirmation retreat.

Closer at hand, October 27th is Reformation Sunday, when we will be confirming four of our young people during first service. In addition, it will be pledge Sunday, during which time we will be making our commitment to Holy Trinity for the coming year through our financial support. Be on the lookout for the Stewardship mailing that will be coming out shortly. Please prayerfully consider your financial commitment to Holy Trinity in 2020.

Forums centering on Holy Trinity exploring the possibility of becoming a Reconciling in Christ congregation will continue this Sunday/Wednesday and next (13th and 16th, and the following week the 20th and 23rd) with the topic this Sunday/Wednesday being “What Would It Mean For Holy Trinity”. The following week Alice Kerr Laird will be leading a discussion about what the Bible says about same-sex relationships. I strongly urge everyone to attend all the sessions. If you miss one, see Mark Donahue and he will make available the recording so you can listen. Please don’t hesitate to ask questions or raise points or concerns during these get togethers. If you’re hesitant to speak during the sessions, seek out one of the RIC Team members (Pastor, John Corgan, Steve Bauer, Jo Whiting, Cristina Dolcino, Matt Nania, or Glen Oswald) with your thoughts and ideas or for more information.

Enjoy the beautiful autumn days ahead.


Dave Smith

Congregation President