January 2020: The Annual Meeting & A New Council President

Greetings everyone. I’d say Happy New Year but we’re already three weeks into January and the whole holiday season seems to be out of sight in the rear-view mirror. Sooo…. Happy Whatever!! And be joyful …. The days are getting longer!!

A belated note of congratulations goes out to Robert Scammon, who earned the rank of Eagle Scout and was recognized for achieving this highest level of scouting at a ceremony here at Holy Trinity back on December 27th. It’s a long and sometimes very difficult road moving up through the six ranks of scouting to reach this level, so again, congratulations to Robert, and kudo’s, too, to Mom and Dad, Lara and Dan, for all their encouragement and influence in helping their son earn this prestigious award. As you might recall, earlier last year Brian and Matthew Clement also received the Eagle award, so that gives Holy Trinity the distinction of having three young men getting their Eagle rank, which we should all be very proud of.

Here’s a sneak preview / heads-up….. looking down the road to March 1st, Bishop Hazelwood will be visiting and preaching the sermon. It’s been a few years since we’ve had the pleasure of him stopping in at Holy Trinity, so mark your calendar, save the date.

This coming Sunday (19th) we’ll be talking about the church budget between services so that you might be better prepared to vote on it at the annual meeting the following Sunday (26th). I hope you can attend because the Council had to spend quiet a bit of time deciding how to craft the budget as offerings/income have been trending slightly downward over the past few years, while expenses have been going in the opposite direction.

Our Congregational Annual Meeting will be held between services on the 26th, with the budget being the biggest item on an otherwise brief agenda.

The end of the meeting will signal the end of my term as Congregation Council President. A couple folks have asked if I’ll be glad it’s over, and I jokingly say yes, I’ll be free at last…. free at last! ….. thank God almighty I’ll be free at last!!!! But I say that tongue-in-cheek because it’s been four years, two as Vice President and two as President, that have flown by and, quite honestly, have been very rewarding and very enjoyable. It’s been great working with all the different members of Council, Pastor George my first two years as Vice President, and Pastor Tim my last two years as President, and all of you, the congregation, so many people who do so many tasks to keep our Sanctuary and building clean, working/operating, and looking good and, most importantly, enhancing our worship experience. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you all for all you do.

Blessings to all,

Dave Smith

Council President.