August 2020: When I think of the month of August I think about the colors of red and green.

When I think of the month of August I think about the colors of red and green. Sure, these colors are popular in December, but right now I see them outside as my tomatoes ripen surrounded with lush green leaves. My effort to grow vegetables started in the Spring and has continued through this hot summer - now begins my “payoff” harvest that will hopefully be long and diverse with different vegetables.

I also make the connection of experiencing a related “payoff” as I compare efforts people in the Seacoast have made regarding social distancing and mask wearing. I am grateful we haven’t had the dramatic increase of cases like other locations in the US and around the World. Having said this, I am not suggesting that we should change our current practices. I believe we need to carry on by following science informed restrictions in consistent and complete ways.

I believe the ideas and forethought that Pastor provided since mid-March to offer worship, ministry, and guidance has supported me through these bizarre, challenging, and isolating times. I think as a church, we can also acknowledge our “payoff.“ We successfully reached and exceeded our Social Ministry goal which has sent funds to local social supporting organizations and ministries which help people in the Seacoast area.

Other payoffs exist in how we are able to worship on Sunday via Zoom, outside (reserved seating) on Tuesday evenings, and quietly sitting alone in church (scheduled visit). We also benefit when we give service to the church through the chores completed outside and inside church, donation food for our Thursday pop-up pantry, offer your time to set-up the pop-up pantry, or serve on one of the church’s ministry teams. If you are curious about any of these “payoffs” please contact Pastor or Mark in the office to learn more!

I have been also watched a “payoff” given to us by two of our church members. Several weeks ago, a strong storm moved over the church and an electrical surge or strike caused damage to some of our electrical use systems. I was quickly reminded of how fortunate Holy Trinity is to have members who hold diverse talents and the willingness to invest their time and energy serving the church. Dave Smith and Dave Mercer, along with Pastor and Mark Donahue, investigated, researched, informed, collaborated, and still continue to follow-up with the process of repair. This “payoff” will be appreciated by us all when we are able to return safely together to worship in church.

I will continue to enjoy the “payoffs” from my garden and will look-out for more hidden pay-offs of appreciation and gratitude as we all transition to another season in the loving hands of God’s support and constant love.