September 2021: “Faith frees us up to take in new information about who I am, who God is, and my place in the World.”

In last Sunday’s gospel on St. Mark (Chapter 7:24-37), a woman asks Jesus, “to cast the demon out of her daughter.” In Pastor Tim’s sermon, he talked about his understanding of how Jesus grew in his wisdom after his interaction with the women. Jesus seems to begin his interactions with one understanding and then shifts to another. Why did this shift happen? Did he listen more carefully? Was he beginning to form a better understanding of the heartbreaking situation of her daughter? Did he simply realize his mistake of disrespecting the women after her initial request? Hypothesizing these “whys” of Jesus’s actions could make an interesting discussion, yet Pastor’s interpretation of Jesus’s responses was the focus of not just doing what was right, but to get to what was right. The “getting to” part is the process we go through to understand what is behind a response or action. I know I sometimes don’t take the time or gather this energy to “get to what was right.”

Pastor also mentioned that, “Faith frees us up to take in new information about who I am, who God is, and my place in the World.” I couldn’t help but think about all the new information I have gained during these last 18 months of COVID. And I can’t imagine anyone not having to change their life in even a small way given new information. I know I have never experienced a sustaining worry about my health before and this is without a significant threat to my family. I can’t also help but think of the different ways we have helped others which has also helped us get through this difficult time. So many of you contribute to others at Holy Trinity and in our community... through your time, energy, baking, offerings, creativity, conversations, questions, kind words, prayers, church maintenance, communion visits, and quick smiles and hellos. We have also taken time to gain knowledge, hold discussions, acknowledge errors or misunderstandings, adapt as needed, and do what we can to enrich our lives through Jesus’ examples.