October 2021: "Monday Medley"

I occasionally receive the email entitled “Monday Medley.” This email contains is a calendar of events /news about the New England Synod, and sometimes a short informal video from Bishop Hazelwood. The heading for his September video was, “Can we be kind during these challenging times?” He recorded the video while in Syracuse, NY for the installation of a NY bishop. He mentioned that when attends these events, he has the opportunity to meet Bishops from around the country. In talking about some areas of the country, congregations are going through very challenging times due to the harsh, cruel, and mean encounters between church attendees. I think the depth and sustained hardship related to COVID has certainly tested my patience to appreciate what I have, ability to be flexible, respond empathetically to others, and breathe through my frustrations.

Bishop Hazelwood continued in the video to say that New England is doing a good job and thanked us for being helpful for showing love and caring for others. He wants us “to learn to engage one another in helpful, constructive ways” in ways that show “decorum, Christian Love, and care.” The angst, uncertainty, extra work, and fears, can sure make everything more difficult, yet he enthusiastically encourages us to take on this challenge.

Showing kindness means considering the perspectives of others before forming an opinion, nurturing patience for things we cannot rush, holding close God’s love as we are guided in different ways, and reaching out to others to engage for support, laughter, and fellowship.