October 2018 Council Minutes

Holy Trinity Council Meeting Minutes

October 18, 2018

We Gather in God’s Name

PRESENT: Pastor Krick, Dave Smith, Martha Belanger, Scott Carson, Joan Bauer, Julie Moore and Cristina Dolcino. Absent: Linda Edwards, Ron Indorf

  • Opening prayer
  • We Light the Christ Candle
  • Devotions and discussion of Jesus Freak, chapter 3 (Healing)
  • Meeting minutes approval
    • September 11, 2018 minutes approved on line

We Celebrate and Give Thanks for the Past

  • Treasurer’s reports and 2019 budget discussion
    • Financial statement discussion
      • September expenses exceeded income by $6105 due in part to of an insurance premium payment.
      • Projected annual operating expenses for 2018 track very close to actual operating expenses for 2016, 2017 and the end of 2015.
      • Year over year there is a continued downward trend in offering; HOWEVER, 2018’s offerings are ahead of projected.
      • 2019 budget items for consideration:
        • Increased funding of the Faith Formation Coordinator Position with discussion of funding a full-time position in 2020.
        • Add a line item to the budget to add funds to our capital fund.
  • Secretary Report
    • Background Checks: Approximately 20 background checks are complete. Overall people have found that the process easy to use.
    • Wiggle Room: Two people have expressed interest in working in the Wiggle Room
  • Pastor’s Report
    • See attached
  • Ministry Team Reports
    • Grow in Faith: Consensus is that the 2018 programming is being well received.
    • Come Together: Music and Worship Team completed planning for the remainder of 2018
    • Serve the Lord: Thank you to Ron Indorf and the Social Ministry team for putting together the activities for God’s Work, Our Hands.

We Seek God’s Direction for our Church

  • Covenant with Immanuel Indonesian Congregation
  • Pastor will work with members of Immanuel to identify a Sunday that we can formally renew our covenant.

We Look to the Future

  • Nominating Committee
    • Martha, Scott, Nancy Hansen and a fourth person will make up the nominating committee.
  • Memorial Fund
    • Over the past year the memorial fund has increased by approximately $3500. The goal is for Council to identify ways to use the money that meet the requirements of Section 12.04 of the Bylaws cited below. Gifts and memorial Funds. The purpose of the Memorial Fund (s) is (are) to provide for members and friends a way to: Honor a deceased relative or friend, make a special gift to the church, and provide for future church needs or programs through giving, special contributions, the use of wills, or insurance.
      A. The monies given to the Memorial Fund (s) will be used (unless otherwise specified) for the special projects or purchases, which will glorify God, and will further the mission of this church here on earth. These monies are not intended to be used for the every-day operating expenses of the church. The church council must approve contributions for specified items or causes, which have not been previously approved by council, before being accepted.
  • Upcoming Calendar review (next two months)

    • November 15: Council Meeting
    • December 11: Council Meeting
    • January 20: Adult forum on 2019 budget
    • January 27: Annual Meeting

Prayer of Thanksgiving and Guidance