November 2018 Council Minutes

Holy Trinity Council Meeting Agenda

Nov 15, 2018

We Gather In God’s Name

Present: Pastor Krick, Dave Smith, Joan Bauer, Julie Moore, Cristina Dolcino, Ron Indorf
Absent: Linda Edwards, Martha Belanger Late: Scott Carson.

Opening Prayer

  • We Light the Christ Candle
    • Blessings
    • Thank You Cards
  • Devotions – brief discussion - Jesus Freak, chapter 4 – Pastor- Chapter 4 will be discussed in December
  • Meeting minutes approval
    • Oct 18, 2018 minutes approved on line

We Celebrate and Give Thanks for the Past

  • Treasurer’s Report
    • Financial Statements- Suggestion was made that pledge estimates seem to be greater than our anticipated budget. If this is finally determined to be the case one consideration is to replace the funds reduced last year in Social Ministry budge. Will wait and see final figures and then we’ll make a decision.
    • Preliminary budget
  • Secretary Report – Memorial Fund: One additional idea could be a “Welcoming Bench” close to the entrance of the church and a screen at the front of the Sanctuary
  • Pastor’s Report (incl. FFC job description update, Imanuel Covenant)
    • Pastor Tim expressed his thanks, generosity, gracious acts, and support during these last several weeks which has made an unbearable situation more bearable.
    • Special thanks to Scott for attending the service in Chicago, donations to the fund for suicide prevention, and support from Dave and others to give Pastor Tim the time to do what he had to do.
    • Job description for Faith Formation position will be completed so it matches the compensation.
  • Ministry Team Reports
    • Serve the Lord – Ron- He wrote blurb for the Tidings about God's Work, Our Hands day in October. The packaging activity that took place between services went well. Maybe a structure that could encourage more intergenerational interaction would be nice for next year. Afternoon “off-site” activities seemed to go very well. Some changes will be made to My Friend’s Place next time. Thanksgiving food contributions were overflowing and were taken by Barry and Phyllis this week. Toys for Tots – will start to be collected this week and is being led by Joan. Gifts are for children aged 2-12. Any brand-new unwrapped toys can be donated and will be delivered by Marine Corps to those in need. Suggestion lists will be available for church members. Pastor Tim- mentioned a “program” which involves making frozen dinners (4 servings) and these are placed in a freezer at church to be used whenever needed for whatever reason. Suggestion made to revisit this initiative in the future.
    • Grow in Faith – Julie – The program plan for faith formation is all set through Christmas. All materials have been ready to go which makes things run very smoothly. Pastor Tim thanked Heidi and the Faith Formation Committee for their support in planning and presenting the last intergenerational. Christmas Pageant is being planned by Leslie and she will again share her production knowledge and use of costumes. Sign-up sheet was completely filled with children!
    • Come Together – Joan- Worship Team hasn’t met this month but plans are set through Advent. Musicians contract have been signed by 2 out of the 3 individuals for 2017-18 and the 2018-19 contracts will hopefully be ready to be signed on February 1, 2019.

We Seek God’s Direction for our Church

  • Nominating Committee- Martha Belanger is heading this up and will meet on Dec. 2nd. Scott, Carson, Lois Lawrence, Nancy Hanson are also serving with consultation with Pastor Tim. The Nomination Committee has been formed to find “replacements” of Scott Carson and Ron Indorf on the Council.
  • Memorial Fund disbursements – one more additional idea was suggested- a “Welcoming Bench” near the parking lot entrance door.

We Look to the Future

  • Image License violation / fee – identified that HTCL used two pictures from Motor Sports images in June 2017 on the church site. We were asked to pay the rights for their usage. Dave shared his letter to and the steps he took to prove HTLC nonprofit status. HTCL was still required to pay $350 (slightly reduced cost) for our use of the pictures. Ron made the motion and Joan 2nd. All agreed to pay the image validation fee.

  • Other business – Audit report from Kurt and the work was very thorough. Linda Edwards, Kurt Kasik, and Barry Philbrick worked with strong collaboration. The audit team has made some recommendations. Dave will present our next steps to these recommendation in a future Council meeting.

Upcoming Calendar review (next two months)

  • Council meeting December 11th will begin at 5pm.
  • Council Meeting January 8th
  • Adult Forum – Budget January 21st
  • Annual Meeting January 27th

Prayer of Thanksgiving and Guidance