July 2019 Council Minutes

Holy Trinity Council Meeting Minutes July 9, 2019 Present: Dave Smith, Paul Karl, Joan Bauer, Tim Krick, Linda Edwards, and Krissy Thistleford.

We Gather In God’s Name Opening Prayer

  1. Blessings
  2. Devotions – Joan
  3. Meeting minutes June 11, 2019 approved online

We Celebrate and Give Thanks for the Past

  1. In and Out Fund a. In and Out Team reported back the final portion of a draft proposal of policy for funds. b. Motion/Second/Approved: Together with the memo from 4/30/2019, Council agrees to adopt those two items as a basis for policy moving forward. c. Implementation details to follow.
  2. Treasurer Report a. See attached report. On track with expected income and expenses at this point in the year. b. Investment policy: have not yet bought cd’s, given the amount of flux expected due to In and Out reorganization in the coming months.
  3. Secretary Report a. No report.
  4. Pastor’s Report a. See attached report.
  5. Ministry Reports
    a. Come Together – Joan- i. Went through Stewardship Database to match volunteers with possible tasks. ii. 60 individuals volunteered to participate in worship. iii. Fellowship team is a collection of individuals under a general umbrella rather than an organized “team,” but things seem to get done smoothly as is. iv. Welcoming Team is in the most need. They are responsible for 4 tasks:
  6. Make gathering area a welcoming environment
  7. Provide and maintain a visitor information center
  8. Offer to help anyone seeking additional info about what Holy Trinity has to offer
  9. Follow up on visitors and members who have not attended in a while v. Joan will send email to Greeters and those who have said they are interested in the Welcoming Team, asking for help with specific, focused tasks relating to these larger goals. b. Serve the Lord – Paul- i. Driving Daisies: After a number of prior unsuccessful attempts to coordinate rides to church for people, it appears we have our first successful one in place and running.
  10. Church’s “highway” sign update- Pastor a. Pastor will meet with contractor tomorrow.
  11. Reconciling in Christ process https://www.reconcilingworks.org/resources/ric/ a. Team will have proposal for council for August meeting.

We Look to the Future

  1. Upcoming Calendar review (next two months) a. Council Meetings: August 13, Sept. 10, Oct 8 b. VBS July 28 – Aug 1

Prayer of Thanksgiving and Guidance