August 2019 Council Minutes

Holy Trinity Council Meeting Minutes August 13, 2019

PRESENT: Tim Krick, Dave Smith, Joan Bauer, Julie Moore, Cristina Dolcino, Krissy Thistleford and Paul Karl.

We Gather In God’s Name Opening Prayer

  1. Blessings
  2. Thank You Cards
  3. Devotions – Krissy
  4. Meeting minutes July 9, 2019 approved online

We Celebrate and Give Thanks for the Past

  1. Proposal from Reconciling in Christ process a. Given 1 on 1 convos a lot of thought, decided offer group convos in open forums as well. i. Discussion of proposal from RIC team. Discussion of how to best insure that everyone has a way to be heard and express their thoughts. ii. Motion/Second/Approved: To establish Reconciling in Christ Team and authorize them to move forward with presented proposal dated August 13th 2019.
  2. Treasurer Report a. See attached report. b. Motion/Second/Approved: To raise minimum CD amount to $25,000, if necessary for favorable rates, at the discretion of the Treasurer.
  3. In and Out Fund Implementation update a. Many Funds will become line items and be funded annually as of next year. b. Some discussion of whether a process could be developed for quick turnaround of some donations to their respective destinations, rather than putting the money in an In and Out fund. Paul will discuss with team and report back.
  4. Secretary Report a. A storm took down our tent. The Thursday group took it down and put it back in storage. The tent itself was undamaged, but two or three poles were damaged and will have to be replaced. b. The periodic Fire Department inspection revealed several needed fixes. Property Team has begun working on some of the issues. c. Property team has accepted a bid to fill and seal cracks in parking lot, funds coming out of the maintenance budget. d. Wiggle Room move update: suggestion was made to allocate $2500 for work related to moving the Wiggle Room from the Property account. e. Scott Carson is spearheading an effort to update the membership rolls.
  5. Pastor’s Report a. See attached report.
  6. Ministry Reports
    a. Come Together – Joan i. Two volunteers on board to revitalize welcome kiosk in Narthex. b. Grow in Faith – Julie i. Meeting with committee next week, to gear up for the year. Pastor has made schedule for the coming year of forums and Sunday school and fellowship. ii. Successful VBS! Dedicated to Nancy Johnson. iii. Heidi will continue until we have a new plan in place for her position. No hard deadline.
    c. Serve the Lord – Paul
  7. Church’s “highway” sign update - Pastor a. Style for the sign has been chosen. Holding off for now until we see how the RIC forums go this fall, since logo would need to be added if that process goes through.

We Look to the Future

  1. Upcoming Calendar review (next two months) a. Council Meetings: Sept. 10, Oct. 8, Nov. 12

Prayer of Thanksgiving and Guidance