October 2020: Estimate of Giving letter


In your hands, you are reading the annual stewardship giving letter. If you haven’t done so already, please begin with the tri-fold brochure titled, “Estimate of Giving Instructions.” Thank you.

Thanks for praying and all the ways you have been involved in Holy Trinity this year. We have remained fiscally and missionally strong during the pandemic because of your generosity. As we look forward to 2021, we don’t simply want to maintain what we are doing, we want to improve. Help us make that happen!

Therefore, when you are considering what your “Estimate of Giving” will be for 2021, please consider the following:

• Improvements of technology in the sanctuary to allow for the recording and streaming of our worship services, with eventual projection capabilities added.

• Money set aside for the Pop-Up Pantry each week.

• Continued partnership with Luther Crest to provide faith forming activities to be done in the home.

• Again, send kids, families and adults to Camp Calumet for life-changing faith experiences.

• Increase giving to area organizations and non-profits that have been hurt due to the pandemic.

• Develop new ways to utilize technology to engage people who have left the church or never been engaged in a church (think more virtual bible studies or podcasts).

These are just a few of the items. It isn’t an exhaustive list. Also, besides what we want to do, I am sure you can name some way you have been positively affected by Holy Trinity in this past year by what we were already doing.

In the packet you received, you should also see your giving statement for this year. Will you increase your giving by 5% or 10%? Vicky and I are pledging to increase ours by 5%. Alone, it won’t make a huge difference to the finances of the church, but it also won’t make a huge difference to our bottom line either. Can you do something similar? If you can’t, that’s okay. Give what you can. I am constantly reminded of the story in Luke about the story of the poor widow. Jesus commended her for giving what she could, not for the amount that she gave.

Lastly, thank you. Thank you for all the ways you have given in the past. Whether that be of your time, your money, or other resources. The church is the people. We gather in a building (or online), but WE are the church. Thank you for that.

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Tim