June 2018: Encouragement

Posted by Mark Donahue on Thursday, June 14, 2018 @ 1:54 PM

The Stewardship Team has two areas of interest in this edition of the “Tidings”. The first is time and talent and the second is financial.

It’s always good to remind ourselves of how much God loves and gives us. We always hope that our response reflects that love. Halfway through the year the Stewardship Team wants to remind all members of Holy Trinity that, as important as our individual pledge is to the Church is, it is equally important to use our time and talent in the building of God’s Kingdom here on Earth. We have received more time and talent responses this year than ever before; however, some members who are active in doing the “work” of the church, have not let us know what you are doing. The responses are useful to the Teams in planning the possibilities of witness and scheduling the members to help accomplish these tasks.

Second, we would encourage any new or returning members to pledge to help the Church financially. The financial pledge campaign normally occurs in the Fall; however, the Stewardship team thinks the emphasis should be year-round. If you would like to make a pledge for the second half of the year, please ask Mark in the office for a pledge card.