July 2019: Social Ministry Budget

At the annual meeting, the Congregation approved the recommendation of the Church Council to adopt the budget it recommended for 2019. Included in that budget was a lump sum budget amount of $43,000.00 for social ministry, which the charge that the Team allocate those funds in its discretion. In June, the Team voted unanimously to adopt its line budget for this year as follows:


Social Ministry – Discretionary $750

Dover Friendly Kitchen $1,500

End 68 Hours of Hunger $250

God’s Work/Out Hands $100

Operation Blessing $2,500

Salvation Army $750

Seacoast Family Promise $500

Thanksgiving Baskets $300

Good News Garage $1,000

Imanuel Indonesian Lutheran Church $1,500

Total Community Ministry $9,150


New England Synod $25,000

ELCA Disaster Relief $1,700

ELCA World Hunger $1,500

Lutheran World Relief $2,050 Missionary Support $2,500

Isimani (Tanzania) $1,100

Total Global Ministry $33,850


As a reminder, please mark your calendars. GOD’S WORK/OUR HANDS day will be SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6. We will have a project between services as well as several projects for later in the day for all who are able and willing to participate. (Please note that this is NOT Columbus Day Weekend.) More details to follow; please stay tuned! Ron Indorf For the Social Ministry Team