Social Ministry: February 2019

“God's Work, Our Hands ..."

Have you checked the rotating kiosk in the Gathering Area lately? If not, I would like to suggest that you look at the side which is captioned “Thank You Holy Trinity – Because You Gave ..." There you will see acknowledgments, as well as sincere thanks and gratitude for our financial assistance from The Salvation Army, Good News Garage, ELCA World Hunger; from Operation Blessing for financial and other types of assistance which we provide on a regular basis; fom Ascentria Care Alliance for the nearly 40 gift bags we gave and packed last October for seniors who live alone; and most recently from Wentworth-Douglass Hospital for our donation of many hats, gloves and scarves which we donated last month to benefit those in need of extra winter clothing. Our time, talents and treasure do make a difference in the Seacoast region and beyond!

Krissi Birthisel was just voted in as the Church Council Secretary. For the past year, Krissi was very active on the Social Ministry Team, but she felt that she could not do both, and so she reluctantly resigned from Social Ministry, hopefully only temporarily. Thanks for all you did, Krissi; we'll miss you!

If anyone has ideas for service in the community, please don't hesitate to contact me or any member of the Social Ministry Team.

Ron Indorf, Team Chair