Operation Blessing: September 2018 update

Since we have been supporting Operation Blessing for many years and because they have new programs and have reorganized many things, I thought it might be good if I included how they are trying to help our community. The following information has been taken directly from their website.

“OB believes in empowering change. Every day we provide services for people, because we realize that providing for a physical need paves the way for us to provide for a spiritual need.

Transaction -Free food and household necessities for those in need. Transition- Promote healthy life choices through education and outreach programs. Transformation - Offer hope for a changed life comes through faith in Jesus Christ.”

We are continuing to collect items for OB to use in their food pantry. Won’t you help by contributing any of the following items?
BAKED BEANS, RED, BLACK or KIDNEY BEANS, CEREAL, VINEGAR, COFFEE, TEA, or ALMOND MILK. (The entire list of items they need are on their website, OperationBlessing.Org.). I have asked for only a limited number of items to make it easier for you to remember when shopping! Thank you.

Lois Laurence