Spring and early summer are always a busy times for the property team. There is the normal cleanup of winter debris and such around the grounds as well as the mowing, trimming, pruning, garden care and other routine lawn and garden tasks. As always, we continue to be heavily reliant on our property team volunteers. In practical terms this means the degree to which the team can tend to what needs to be done is dictated by the number of volunteers available at any given time. Each spring we also know we are competing with Holy Trinity members and friends who often have these same tasks to do around their own properties. The team is grateful for the regulars who serve nearly every week with the Thursday Group, and also grateful for those who lend a hand as they can on Thursday or at other times as their situations allow. Some things we will be addressing in the near-term as resources allow include:
- Getting our lawn mowers serviced
- Raising the tent
- Obtaining a service provider to complete routine maintenance on our new highway sign
- Disposing of a basketball backboard, basket, pole and hardware (Available for free to anyone who may be interested ... we can deliver!)
- Obtaining quotes for cleaning and staining exposed exterior wood around the sanctuary and main entrance
- Obtaining quotes for repair of two exterior fire doors
- Obtaining quotes for cleaning and painting of the steeple
- Complete carpet cleaning in selected areas
- And ... and ... and
There is always something on the list to do.
Dave Mercer, Property Team Leader, pro tempore