Our long period of transition has come to an end with the return of Pastor Luther Ziegler as our full time minister. There is one important transition left for us to address– Property Team.
Holy Trinity has been extremely fortunate to have Dave Mercer as the leader of the Property Team. Dave has help guide many volunteers in maintaining our building in good condition. Thank you for the members of our congregation who take part in Thursday Morning Group which perform tasks inside and outside of our church and help prepare our sanctuary for the various season of our church year as does our Altar Guild. In addition other members perform tasks that might otherwise require outside help. There are many members of Holy Trinity keeping us going. There are many volunteers to maintain our church.
Here is the hard part- transitioning Dave Mercer away from director of Property Team. He is a very tough person to replace. It maybe impossible to replace Dave with any single individual. How do we move forward in maintaining our property without Dave Mercer?
Here are some ideas of how this might occur.
A. Any person stepping forward to help should be for a specific period of time.
B. The various tasks need to be divided among different people. An example might be for one person to handle Thursday Morning Group, someone else might periodically inspect the property to see if everything is functioning as it should, and someone else might be able contact contractors to do tasks that need to be done.
C. There needs to be a way that individuals might volunteer to do tasks on their own time schedules . D. IS IT TIME FOR HOLY TRINITY TO HIRE A PROPERTY MANAGER TO OVERSEE AND MAINTAIN OUR PROPERTY? Has our building and grounds become too complex to be handled by volunteers?
There maybe no magic answer and I sure there are other ideas of how to maintain our property.
It is an important topic and one that requires our thoughts, ideas and prayers. Each of us needs to think about how we maintain our beautiful Holy Trinity Lutheran Church. At some point in the future our congregation needs to come up with solutions.
Steven Bauer