July 2022: Sign Update

So ... Where is the new church sign? I have written about various projected (promised) dates from our supplier, Stewart Sign Company in Sarasota, Florida.

If you have followed the various dates as they have come and gone, you know it has been frustrating for all of us. But, there really is a sign! Manufacturing was completed in June and our sign (all 1400 pounds of it) was loaded onto a truck to our installer, NH Sign Company in Auburn, NH. They have received and inspected it and are ready to begin the installation process. The first step will be to take down the old sign, install the concrete foundation for the new sign, and install the new mounting hardware on the foundation. This first phase is scheduled to be done on July 15. After the new concrete has sufficiently cured (about a week), they will return and install the sign on the foundation. The sign should be operational by the end of July.