December 2021: Are you looking for a challenge? Maybe I should ask, "Are you looking for an opportunity?"

I have been a member at Holy Trinity for quite a few years and have experienced more than a few opportunities. I have served on various committees and task forces and served on council. For sure, the most significant opportunities have been the many years with the contemporary choir and, later, the Property Team. For a few years I did both the choir and Property Team. I find it informative to compare the two.

The years with the choir were interesting, enjoyable, satisfying, and visible. We did a lot of original music in those years, some of it mine. I have many wonderful memories of those days serving in that role. And it was easy for me, so much so that it seemed almost unfair to think of it as a service to Holy Trinity. It was as though I was getting more than I was giving. Serving in a role that is also something we like, can be very comfortable, but perhaps not much of a challenge.

Property Team work is and always has been a totally different kind of service for me. Most of the time the work is out of sight and out of mind of the congregation. Most of us do not see Holy Trinity's property requirements as a tough task master, especially with the heavy reliance on a volunteer work force. A facility of our size requires a lot to keep it going safely and efficiently. Much, if not most, of what we do is invisible until it suddenly becomes visible. Some property needs such as non-functional toilets and failed fire alarm systems are impossible to hide. In the years when I served as an individual contributor on the Property Team, the big picture was not apparent. I just did the jobs that came my way and helped the team as best as I could. In my years as Property Team Leader, the big picture has a way of jumping out at you. Of course, the position demands dealing with many and varied details, but more importantly, the position requires skills of recruitment to gather the volunteers needed to get things done on an ongoing basis and skills of planning and organization to obtain appropriate approvals and financial resources. These aspects of the position have become increasingly difficult for me. My natural inclination is to do a task and put it behind me. It has always been easier for me to do a task than to recruit someone to do it. In the majority of cases, I still had to remain actively involved even after a volunteer came forward to take on a task.

It has become increasingly clear to me that the Property Team needs a leader with better skills of organization and recruiting. Accordingly, I have asked church council to find my replacement. It is time. Since I made this request, I was asked if the responsibilities could be distributed differently and spread out among several different folks. My response was an old razor, "When two people are in charge, no one is in charge." I also cannot help but think of a pearl of wisdom from Admiral Rickover who famously noted, "Responsibility is a unique concept. You can share it, but your portion of it is not diminished at all."

When the new leader is found and assumes my position, I imagine I will continue to serve as an individual contributor in some capacity as my inclinations and family responsibilities allow, but I plan on far fewer trips between Madbury and Newington in any given week. I am vain enough to assume that this change will leave a vacancy for someone. So, here is an opportunity for the right person. Perhaps you are that person!

David Mercer, Property Team Leader