With the recent moderation in the hot weather and the occasional rain, things are beginning to grow again, and we have been doing the routine outdoor grounds work as needed. As you can see in the following, other important property related matters are continuing.
Since the last Property Team report, engineering work has been completed on the new fire alarm system and we have received a quote and proposed contract to obtain the required permits, procure and install the new system. We anticipate approving the proposal to allow work to begin in September and complete in November. This will involve work throughout the building to install and test a new fire alarm panel, new sensors, other fire protection equipment, and new wiring.
Council has approved a Property Team proposal to remove a dead elm tree adjacent to our entrance driveway. We have accepted a quote for this work which is scheduled for September 23rd.
Council has also approved a Property Team proposal to replace the main electrical power panel for our building. This will resolve some issues with the existing panel and will also incorporate power surge protection for the building. We have an informal quote for this work and anticipate accepting a quote for this work soon. This work will require coordination with the installation of the new fire alarm panel because the electrical panel and fire alarm panel are located in close proximity on the same wall in the basement work room. The new fire alarm system has the highest priority, but we also want to get the new power surge protection installed in time to protect the new alarm system and other equipment in the building.
You may have noticed the new concrete pads (steps) that have been constructed outside of three emergency exit doors (sanctuary exit near the choir, the outside exit for the Wiggle Room, and the outside exit for the back emergency stairway from the second floor). A special thank you goes out to Scott Carson who did this concrete work as well as considerable work to replace rotted wood siding adjacent to the Wiggle Room exit. The new pads resolve a fire department finding that step-down height at these exits was too large and did not meet life safety code requirements. It is now easier and safer to walk out of any of these emergency exits.
Last month's reported demise of the refrigerator in the conference room was premature. We were able to clean this refrigerator so it can be returned to service when needed.
This month we have been working to resolve an odor issue in the Sacristy. The issue appears to be moisture related and aggregated by the lack of use of the room and long periods of time with the door closed and resulting low air circulation. The banners and vestments have been temporarily moved out of the room to minimize possibility of odor absorption. We have found no indication of water leakage, although there could be some moisture under the carpet or the problem could have resulted from stagnant, humid air. We have been running a fan to move air out of the room and have also been running a dehumidifier to pull some moisture out of the room. The situation appears to be improving. Should we be looking forward to the dry, heated air of winter?
Dave Mercer, Property Team Leader