June 2020: We are all challenged but, property work must go on!

The virus issue has imposed some strange and challenging times on property matters because of the obvious restrictions on Thursday Morning Group activities as well as what I personally feel comfortable with doing in this period of uncertainty. I know each of us has their own personal view of things ... what is safe, what is more risky. I am probably more tolerant of the risks, but I recognize my responsibilities to Martha, the Thursday Morning Group, and all others I may encounter in the process of going about my routine, or should I say, the new normal. Still, property work has continued to a degree. The lawn is getting mowed and trimming continues in fits and starts, depending on the weather and time. A conspicuous pile of brush has been hauled away. Some of the more adventurous Thursday Group folks and others have been in to do window washing, repairs to our trash bins, and trimming of grass and weeds. Required inspections using outside services have continued as they come due. Our annual fire panel inspection and testing was recently completed, and others will be completed when required to the extent that our service providers are working in these times.

Having said all of that, we are behind on several fronts. The tent is not yet up, the air conditioners are not installed, some of the outside tasks have fallen behind,some important tasks to resolve Fire Department concerns have not yet been completed, some outside building repair and maintenance work has been delayed, and I could go on. Overall, we are doing fine, just not as good as we expect to do based upon past practice. Bear with us.

Dave Mercer, Property Team Leader