November 2020: Is it new news, old news, some of both? Be the judge.

The Property Team's Thursday group has operated reasonably well in these difficult times, though our numbers are at minimal levels. Grounds work is keeping up with most of the basics, but leaf removal and minimal mowing are using most of our available people each week. We have been able to get the air conditioners out and stored, and the tent has been taken down and moved to storage. Salt buckets and snow shovels have been taken out of storage and staged for use at three entry/exit door locations. We will be continuing to address remaining grounds work while the weather permits. We were able to complete the last of the outside painting work planned for this year.

As always, work has been done inside the building as well. There is an ongoing need to address cleaning matters outside the scope of our cleaning service, and an ongoing need to tidy things, address clutter, and support various building use matters. These things will become increasingly important and demanding now that we are beginning to transition back to normal building use. Things have gotten a bit disheveled during this long period of minimal building use.

We are fortunate to have a skilled volunteer to make our heating system ready each heating season. This work was completed in October. When you have an opportunity, thank Jim McKenna for all of his efforts.

Some progress has been made on the new fire alarm system. System hardware has been received and two of the new alarm panels have mounted on a wall in the basement work room. No wiring work has started, but this is progress.

The planned replacement of our main electrical distribution panel was delayed by schedule issues, but this work should complete in early November. This work will resolve some electrical breaker issues and also provide power surge protection for the building.

David Mercer, Property Team Leader