January 2019: Time to De-Decorate

By the time you read this report, the Christmas scene has been transformed to our normal worship surroundings. We have enjoyed the decorations to enhance the Advent and Christmas season. But, it takes a group effort to create this enhanced worship setting.

Dave Mercer had an action plan for each Advent week as the decorations expanded or changed. The three blue banners were hung from the sanctuary sides to the overhead iron ring for an awesome display. This was created by Glenn Oswald who engaged some of the Thursday Group, Worship Team and youth for help to construct and raise these banners.

Poinsettia plants and wreaths had to be ordered early so we could enjoy the flower display on Christmas Eve. Julie Moore was in control of this, as well as setting up the initial decorations.

After the tree was assembled by the Thursday Group, Bill and Julie Kath then placed the numerous symbolic crismons on the tree to complete the appearance.

And now, it is time to de-decorate.

Barry Philbrick, Interim Property Team Leader