April 27, 2022: "Why Us?" Adult Forum

This coming Sunday, we will have an abbreviated (though joyful!) worship service, so as to allow time for an hour-long congregational conversation entitled "Why Us?" This exercise is a crucial part of our transition team's efforts to discern what our collective hopes and dreams are for Holy Trinity as we move toward calling a new pastor.

As you will remember, earlier in the year, the Transition Team asked everyone in the congregation to answer three simple questions: (1) What brought you here? (2) What makes Holy Trinity right for you? and (3) What will keep you coming back? Last Sunday, at church, we distributed the collated (and slightly edited) responses we received. In case you missed it, you can find this summary document here. We encourage you to read over these responses before our conversation. They will frame our conversation on Sunday.

In addition, as part of my homily this week, I hope to offer some of my own reflections on what I have experienced here as your interim pastor, and what I see as some of your many gifts, as well as some "growing edges." I then will facilitate a conversation in which I invite you to share your own assessment of what you have read and heard, and what your hopes are for Holy Trinity's future.

This will be one more opportunity to share directly with the Transition Team what you think is important for pastoral candidates to know about this church. Please come and let us know why Holy Trinity matters to you and where you think God is calling us!

In Christ, Pastor Luther