March 16, 2022: We mustn't lose hope.

Dear friends in Christ,

As Russia's unprovoked war on the Ukraine continues to escalate, and global tensions mount, it is easy to despair of the state of the world. And yet, we mustn't lose hope. While there may be no telling how long this war will go on, and how much suffering it will cause, we should also keep our eyes open for the glimpses of light that are emerging from the darkness.

Two small stories in particular captured my attention this past week. The first is the story of a school in Italy where all the teachers and students gathered to joyously welcome two Ukrainian refugee students on their first day at their new school. You can find the short video clip here. As Jesus put it, "the kingdom of God belongs to children such as these." Luke 18:16.

I also have been moved by the courageous faithfulness of Ukrainian Christians during this awful war. Apparently Psalm 31 in particular has become a cornerstone of their prayer life. Here is a short video of a wide variety of Ukrainians praying the psalm in the context of their daily lives.

May our own faith be strengthened by these examples, and may the God whose peace passeth all understanding bring a speedy end to this tragic war.

Lenten blessings,

Pastor Luther