Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
Hope you all are surviving the heat. Just a couple of things to update you on for this edition of The Tidings.
First, I am going to be on vacation from Aug. 1-10. Because of this, there will be minor changes to our weekly ministries. There will not be BYOB^2 on Wednesday Aug. 5th, nor will there be our Weekly Outdoor Gatherings on Tuesday, Aug. 4th or Wednesday, Aug. 5th. There still will be Wednesday Morning Bible Study and our Sunday morning worship on Zoom. Pastor Amanda Gerken-Nelson (Aug. 2nd) and Pastor John Corgan (Aug. 10th) will record sermons for worship on those Sundays. Dot and Kurt Kasik and Mark Belivue have agreed to “host” worship for those respective Sundays, also. If there is a pastoral emergency, please call the church office and you will be put in contact with Pastor Dave Dalzell.
Secondly, even though there will be a pastor as part of worship, we will refrain from communion for the next two Sundays. They will not be joining you live, online, for worship, therefore, communion does not seem right to partake in through “recorded” means. We will resume communion on the Sunday I return, Aug. 17th and then begin receiving communion on the first and third Sundays of every month.
As always, thank you for the ways you have continued to adapt to worshipping in this new way. I wish I could say when we will be back in our sanctuary. Honestly, to even have a “hoped for” date seems misleading as numbers and information seem to constantly be in flux. I encourage you to sign up for the Weekly Outdoor Gatherings, as you are able and are comfortable. Kids and adults are welcome at either one, even though each does have its own, unique feel. People have said how much they have appreciated being back on our property and seeing each other. Plus, each Tuesday evening I start off with a killer joke. Just ask anyone who has been there!
Lastly, for a bit of fun, watch this parody an Episcopal Priest did of the song “You’ll Be Back” from the musical Hamilton. It should put a smile on your face.
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Tim