
Worship - Sundays at 9:30 AM

At 9:30 AM, worship with us inside the Sanctuary. There will be full congregational singing and no limit for attendance. We have full communion, minus the common cup, but pre-filled communion cups are still available for people who still wish to social distance. Masks are optional.

This service will be live-streamed on our webpage at 9:30 AM every Sunday.

We are looking for any and all volunteers to help out during Worship. Please use this Sign-Up Genius link to sign up as a Worship Assistant for this Sunday, or any Sunday in the future:


Bible Study - Wednesdays at 9:30 AM

Join us at Holy Trinity for a spirited discussion on this week's lectionary, led by our Pastor. All are welcome to join us in-person, in the Gathering Area for a lively discussion.

Congregational Meeting - Sun. October 20

A special meeting has been set for October 20th, after worship. The Council will review proposed changes to our Bylaws. We will be voting on these changes next January.

Adult Forums this Fall

In the fall, Adult Forums will be held on the first and second Sundays of the month after the service. This will begin in October and continue through December. More details to come shortly.

Recent Worship Services - September 22, 2024

If you missed Worship at 9:30 AM this past Sunday, our Worship service videos will still be available to watch on our webpage through the end of the week. Alternatively, you can watch our Pastor's Sermon from Sunday.