May 2024: Notice of Proposed Amendments to the Holy Trinity Constitution

The Council is proposing to update our present Constitution so as to include mandatory changes as put forward by the ELCA. These changes primarily relate to updating our mission and references to disabilities.

The Council is also proposing some changes to reflect current practices and clarify provisions. In C13.03, we propose changing the structure of the audit process, designating up to three members to conduct a financial audit annually. In C14.01, we propose clarifying the submission of written reports by Ministry Teams.

Earlier this year, Pam Shaw resigned from her position as the Ministry Team Leader of "Serve the Lord". At the Mid-Year meeting, we also will be formally voting Cristina Dolcino onto the Council in this position. Thank you Cristina for being willing to serve and thank you Pam for your service.

The other voting items include renaming and redesignating in/out funds or balance sheet items (not in our budget) so we can put them to good use. The changes are:

"Sabbatical Fund Reserve" to "Hospitality Fund". Holds $4,000.

"Flowers" to "Beautification Fund". Holds $4066.

"Organ Fund" to "Audio Sound System Fund" Holds $1,405.

You can read the proposed updated HTELC Constituion by clicking this link. I hope to see many of you at this meeting as well as the picnic that follows!
