November 2022: Give thanks

Just one week ago today, many of us gathered with family or friends to celebrate the national holiday of Thanksgiving, intended as a time to give thanks for many blessings – not only food, but for family, friends, wonders of God’s creation, health, and a long list of various items that may be particularly significant in each of our lives. In this time of Advent which is the start of the new church year as we await the coming of Christ Jesus, I am deeply thankful for our church family, and the many groups and individuals who are the cornerstone of our mission: Come Together, Grow in Faith, Serve the Lord. I ask you to join me in thanking and praying for these teams and individuals:

  • Worship Team, including altar guild workers, musicians, and worship assistants who support Sunday worship, midweek worship in Advent and Lent, and many special services;
  • Fellowship Team, supporting ways our church family can come together to know one another;
  • Faith Formation Team, developing and implementing ways for children and adults to grow deeper in their faith;
  • Library Team, providing resources to guide us on our faith journey;
  • Caring Connections that provides services for our church family as we strive to stay healthy, and caring support when we are in need;
  • Social Ministry, supporting social justice and financial support to those in need working with domestic and international partners;
  • Property Team, who work tirelessly to maintain our building and property, and prepare our sanctuary for special services and seasons;
  • Stewardship Team, helping us use our gifts and talents in a meaningful way;
  • Call Committee, currently leading our search for a new pastor.
  • Church Council, providing for the coordination of all the above;
  • Additionally, there are ad hoc groups who convene for special tasks such as the Nominating Team and the Audit Team.
  • And of course, there are individuals who work in a myriad of ways to support our mission, including those who work in the church office: counters, financial experts, and of course, Mark who makes all things happen. We give thanks to Pastor Luther who has graciously shared his faith, expertise and spiritual presence with us since January.

Please give thanks and pray for our brother and sisters. And please prayerfully consider how you can share your gifts in one of these many ways in which we work together to serve the Lord.