January 2021: I feel lighter.

While driving in Dover doing errands last Saturday, I sensed a shift in the air. It was a day much warmer than our cold weather of late. The sun was shining and there were many people zipping around on the roads. I heard music coming from cars as I stopped at a light and saw people walking with to-go coffees tucked under their masks. My interaction with a person in a store was pleasant and engaging, maybe even more cordial and chatty than typical purchase exchanges. I wondered if people were feeling “lighter” because of access to vaccinations, longer days, or the need to wear fewer layers of clothing.

Another errand was to go and buy a gift card at one of my favorite local coffee shops. I hadn’t been inside this coffee shop for a year and I arrived there just before they closed. It was still nice to see the same employees working and the charm of the space could still be felt.

As I drove home I realized I also felt lighter. We each have favorite places we like to visit for different reasons. These places are special simply because they’re beautiful, hold meaningful memories, invite fun, coax us into relaxation, or bring important people together. We can probably all say we have put visiting these places on hold but we are beginning to see some light closer to our new normal.

As we move into the season of Lent we are asked to reflect and follow practices that renew our faith. I think we began this church renewal in January at our annual meeting when we approved our Reconciling in Christ Welcome Statement. We spent six-months educating ourselves through discussion, speakers, readings, podcasts, books, and conversations. We asked questions, listened, shared our beliefs, told personal stories, and worked to honor the safe space we created for those who entered. Our work continues as we open more doors of opportunities to welcome and affirm the uniqueness and diversity that makes the world. A world that God created with people who bring interest, growth, and significance to our lives.