December 2021: Hear, prepare, cheer.

The words of Luke, “The voice of one crying out in the wilderness. Prepare the way for the Lord, make his paths straight” was read by Pastor Gerkin Nelson early this month and certainly helped me get into the wonder of Christmas. She spoke about the “noise” of the holiday season and other “noises” from work demands, COVID concerns, family needs, obligations, and world events. Some of us may be able to filter out the noise during the holidays so we can hear “the voice of Christmas” sift through and listen more intently and thoughtfully to be touched by Christmas joy.

Holy Trinity continues to share joy. Our worship is well attended via YouTube and in person as caring Supply Pastors bring hope and life to God’s words during this time of transition. Holy Trinity has many attendees who serve during worships, through ministries, and in the many jobs that need to be completed to maintain the workings of our Church. Our staff has kept us grounded in consistency through Mark’s worship production and the musicians and choir who lift our hearts in words and rhythm. Our Faith Formation Leader, Faith Bygd, creates an email entitled Growing In Faith Together (GIFT), which includes bible lessons, crafts, music, videos, and games for all ages and about 8 teens are attending the youth gathering in Minnesota next summer. We will come together on January 30th for our Reconciling in Christ celebration and our hard-working Transition Team meets weekly to prepare us for the CAT survey in January. As much as we would rather not hear a baby cry, the heart-melting fussing of a baby during a baptism can bring tears to some who reflect upon their own child’s entrance into God’s family. I hope you have opportunities to see, feel, or give the joy of Christmas into the season of Epiphany.

The Church Council met this week to discuss the part-time interim opportunities that have been presented by Steven Wilco, Associate to Bishop Hazelwood. Pr. Wilco will be our supply pastor next Sunday. He will hold a Q & A session about the Pastoral transition process in the sanctuary following worship. As always this will be recorded. If you are unable to attend in person, please send Mark your questions and we will do our best to have him answer them. The Church Council has also decided to make a few shifts in order to remain vigilant for the safety of as many attendees as possible. These considerations are not necessarily new to us and we hope the Congregation understands the reasons for these adjustments. Unfortunately, many systems in our Community are being challenged during this current surge. The following guidelines begin on Sunday, December 19 and will continue until case numbers decrease and significant winter weather has past.

These are the guidelines:

  • We are asking attendees to enjoy our worship and do your best to move to the beautiful outdoors for fellowship conversations. Please keep 3 feet away from people outside your “pod bubble” whenever possible.
  • At this time, we are suspending the indoor coffee fellowship following our worship.
  • Indoor air circulation will be increased whenever possible.
  • The use of masks is “highly recommended” to protect others and ourselves. New masks are available at the entrance of the Church.
  • The use of communion cups (i.e., wafer and grape juice) or gluten free options will be continued.