June 2019: Graduates, Faith Formation teachers, and VBS help

Greetings everyone. Warmer temperatures are finally here and guess what next Friday is? Right …… its summertime!! June 21st. Longest day of the year!! Schools closing, vacation plans being made, and everyone getting ready to recreate in some way or another. Holy Trinity’s summer season got off to a great start last Sunday as we went to the single service format, had an incredibly uplifting service with a ‘full house’ of 180 and sky-high energy, followed by the semi-annual congregation meeting and topped off with the annual picnic.

Part of the worship service included recognition of Holy Trinity’s graduating high school and college students, the awarding of the Faith and Service Award, and recognition of teachers and others in carrying out the Faith Formation program over the past year. So…. congratulations to our post-secondary grads (Alex Bock, Maelyn Morrison, Katherine Clement, and Auderien Monareh), our high school grads (Juanita Sihotang, Robert Scammon, Abbe Laurence, Joshua Bororing, Victorya Liebel, and Brian Clement), and additional kudos to Juanita and Robert who were co-recipients of the 2019 Faith and Service Award. Congratulations to all from Council and the Congregation.

Speaking of the Faith and Service Award, last years recipient, Yosua Siagian, briefly spoke to the congregation about his first year of college experience. He was very impressive as he made his well-received comments.

And a BIG SHOUT OUT to our Faith Formation teaching staff (Lara Scammon, Jill Larson, Stephanie Goupil. Karen Berg, Krystal Small, Kristen Crawford), and Vicky Krick who provided snacks for the Jr/Sr High Class, (reminding us that it’s very important to feed their stomachs as well as their minds!), and to Heidi Morrison for an outstanding job in organizing and managing Holy Trinity’s Children / Youth Faith Formation program over the past year. Thank you to one and all.

One last THANK YOU TO Tommy Monareh for organizing and leading this year’s Church Picnic, and a THANK YOU to all those many others who contributed and worked, from bringing food, to helping set-up, cook, serve, clean-up, etc.

Looking ahead, planning for VBS is moving along, although the “Help Wanted” sign is still hanging out for assistance with food and with technology. VBS will take place July 28 thru August 1. It’s never too late to join the team and get involved, so if you’re interested in participating please let the church office, or Heidi Morrison, or Pastor Tim know.

Enjoy the summer, whether you go in the back yard pool, or go swim in a lake or the ocean, or go hiking, or sit in the shade reading a book…. whatever it is you do to relax, recreate, and re-charge your batteries……. Stay safe and enjoy!!

The Peace of the Lord be with you all.

Dave Smith