March 2019: Lenten Services, ELCA World Hunger update, and Dover Friendly Kitchen.


Well, we’re now well into the season of Lent, and I’m very glad Pastor mentioned in a recent sermon that Lent doesn’t have to be downbeat but rather just a time of reflection and preparation for the day we celebrate the rising of our Lord and Savior. While our music and Sunday service are a bit more solemn than the rest of the church year (no Alleluia’s, use dark color purple banners and vestments, etc), we can be hopeful and upbeat as Easter approaches …… after all, the daylight hours are starting to stretch out, most of the snow and ice is melted away, and although it’s getting into mud season, trees will soon be starting to show color and ….POW! …. Suddenly flowers and grass are going to start coming up.

We have three more weeks of Wednesday Lent services (6:30), preceded by a soup supper that begins at 5:30. The Holden Evening Prayer service that follows supper provides a great opportunity to experience a restful time to take a mid-week break from the normal hustle and bustle everyone experiences. Fellowship with a light meal followed by Holden Evening Prayer service….Perfect Together!!

Remember almost two months ago when Pastor challenged the congregation to donate money to World Hunger on Super Bowl Sunday for the ELCA World Hunger Big Game Synod Challenge?? And if HT raised over $1,000 he’d wear that pretty pink way-to-small Tom Brady football jersey at his Thursday morning coffee time? Several of you have been asking how that all turned out. Well, in one word…. SPECTACULAR! Holy Trinity raised a hair under $ 4,000, which contributed to New England Synod’s total of $6,000. With the Los Angeles Synod total of $3,000, and some general donations to neither synod of $1,500, a total of about $10,500 went to World Hunger!!! And yes, I personally witnessed Pastor Tim wearing his cute, five-sizes-too-small pink Tom Brady Jersey the following Thursday at Flight Coffee Café in Dover. Thanks so much to everyone who contributed to this great program.

Dover Friendly Kitchen is one of several ministries Holy Trinity has been supporting for many many years. The Friendly Kitchen serves anyone who needs a meal every Tuesday and Thursday evening, which gives folks a good dinner along with good companionship a couple of times a week. One of our members has been leading Holy Trinity’s efforts in working with Dover Friendly Kitchen and this is her 25th year of doing this!! Although she is modest and humble about her involvement, I think it very appropriate to give A BIG SHOUT OUT to Bonnie Sanders for her dedication and service to this ministry for the past 25 years. Thank You Bonnie …. God’s Blessings for all you’ve been doing.

Enjoy the next few weeks as we move thru Lent.

Peace to all…. Dave Smith