Summer’s Gone!!! I have no idea where it went, and I can never figure out why, when we have the same 24 hours each day in June, July, and August, those days go so much quicker that the same 24 hour days in January, February, and March. So…..we go from the slower paced summer mode to the hustle and bustle of busy-ness that often puts us in survival mode. Thanks be to God that we have the opportunity every week to be at church on Sunday (and/or Wednesday evening if you’re so inclined) to stop, take a deep breath, and reflect on our Lord’s presence within us to help throughout the week when daily routines get so overwhelming.
Getting back into the swing of things, two service Sunday’s began last Sunday with Rally Day activities sandwiched in between. And what a hit Rally Day was with lots of people all over, mixing and mingling and doing lots of fun stuff. Movie Night returns next Thursday (the 20th), and New Grounds Coffee House will be opening back up Friday (21st) at 6:00 PM. Coming on October 14th will be God’s Work Our Hands.
Pastor Tim, Associate to the Bishop, met with our Pastor Tim on Tuesday and then joined the Council meeting, as part of the process of the latter’s assimilation at Holy Trinity. During the Council meeting there was a sharing of Council member’s thoughts and observations to Synod Tim regarding HT Tim’s effect at Holy Trinity. Member’s opined about the positive impact HT Tim has had, and the feeling that the congregation is moving in a very positive and upbeat direction. Synod Tim told us that he, the Bishop and Synod staff are very pleased with the transition of Pastor Krick into the Holy Trinity community, and pray for our continued success. Amen!
The summer was not without activity around the church, as the Property Team did their thing every week in keeping the grounds and building in great condition; we had a wonderfully successful and fun filled VBS at the end of July; the parking lot was sealed and re-lined; Faith Formation Team volunteers painted the two back first floor classrooms and the Coordinator’s office; and the gathering area, two hallways and classrooms were re-carpeted. In addition, some very dedicated folks were working on transitioning our electronic data systems into a new format and our web-site was being updated and reconfigured. While these and other special jobs were being worked on, the regular day-to-day tasks were also taking place, such as the choir’s singing every week, the finance folks paying the bills, the Library being maintained, Altar Guild setting up for services…. and the list goes on and on. I guess what I’m trying to say is there is a lot of activity that goes on at HT by a lot of volunteers. All the time. It’s not like all the tasks are done by a bunch of fairies that float down from the sky at night when everyone sleeps, sprinkling magic dust around and poof!! The job is done!! It takes the efforts of a lot of people. And I, along with all the members of the Council and Pastor, are very thankful to all of you that help to make HT work. Thank You Thank You one and all!!
Speaking of the new carpet, I hope you noticed Property Team Leader Dave Mercer’s note in last week’s Tidings about the slight elevation change in floor levels at the junction of the gathering area and the two hallways leading to the class rooms. They have been marked, please watch your step.
Thanks to Brian Clement, whose Eagle Scout project is the installation of a refurbished Holy Trinity sign in front of the church. It’s been re-positioned from the previous spot to provide more exposure to passers-by, and really looks great.
We’re starting to pick up some traction with AmazonSmile …. 2nd quarter saw Holy Trinity receive a $26.00 donation thanks to those who have signed up and made Amazon purchases through the AmazonSmile program. Signing up is easy…. If you have any questions or need help signing up Mark Donahue can give you an easy to follow one page instruction ‘manual’. The AmazonSmile Foundation will donate .5% of purchases to Holy Trinity after you have signed up and select Holy Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Newington, NH as your designated charitable organization. Thanks to those now using AmazonSmile ….. here’s to hoping more will join in.
Enjoy the rest of September as we move into Autumn, and pray for all those folks down south who will be impacted by monstrous hurricane Florence.
God’s Peace to All
Dave Smith